Herbs and natural remedies to combat respiratory allergy
Breathing deeply and confidently without having to sneeze or suffer the consequences of an annoying allergy is a well-appreciated gift to someone who suffers from any kind of respiratory allergy, which is one of the most troublesome and persistent problems to face.
What is a respiratory allergy?
This condition occurs when the immune system (defense system) misinterprets the body's microscopic particles that penetrate through our nose (dust, pollen, pollutants, viruses, etc.), which identifies them as dangerous when they are not.
What happens in the allergy?
In a healthy person, these millions of particles every time you breathe are filtered and removed from the nose and respiratory system, which are not harmful. Some are rejected by various means, while others penetrate the body. If the immune system is strong and healthy, you can fight any aggression or pollutants agents such as viruses and other harmful substances, and usually will ignore as they are harmless agents and substances such as pollen, particles of dirt without pollutants, dust that accumulates on the furniture, etc.
However, those who suffer from respiratory allergies, the immune system recognizes these attackers as harmful, causing the release of a substance called histamine, among other inflammatory compounds in the body, which is a body's response to defend against what they perceived as a threat is identified. The defense mechanism can trigger many types of defense, such as sneezing, watery eyes, mucous production, itching, malaise, skin inflammation, and so on. Thus then we have the appearance of allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, fever and rash or redness of the skin.
What are the causes?
One of the most common causes of allergies is that the whole body, being saturated with toxins, toxic medications and / or harmful excess fat, it becomes more sensitive and intolerant to substances entering and leaving the body. This contamination of the body, coupled with fatigue, to a life neglected and with prolonged stress can cause a cold (which is often accompanied by weakness or depression), which is one way the body tries to clean the expelling body waste materials that run through the bloodstream before they have solidified and less possible to expel them. When the cold becomes chronic, then we are facing with an infection, i.e., the body is too weak to defend itself, worn out and overwhelmed.
If we use methods of pharmacy to combat and suppress a cold without taking into account the root that is causing it, we deprive the body of its natural cleansing and we are making more acute the problem, because the toxic substances cannot be removed by any means and start to settle in different areas of the body causing all sorts of imbalances such as rhinitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, among many others. This is what triggers most of all allergies.
What to do?
The first thing to address is, without doubt, the cleansing of the body, helping to support a myriad of natural methods and herbs appropriate to help during the healing process, to diminish symptoms, to strengthen the immune system, to fight inflammation and weakening, the rashes and clean especially the blood and intestines of waste and toxic substances.
Herbal remedies to combat allergies
- Herbs and natural foods depurative par excellence: the lemon, garlic, ginger,
- Herbs to combat attacks respiratory allergy: basil, green tea, you rooibos, chamomile tea, the lemon tree tea.
- Antihistamine herbs: nettle (taken as tablets act very well, is a powerful expectorant) and cloves. Chamomile, combined with these herbs, it can be very effective to calm the symptoms. The Arnica also has powerful antihistamine properties.
Other herbs:
- Helicriso: expectorant, antiseptic and breathing plant, it is beneficial in inflammatory reactions.
- Black redcurrant: anti-inflammatory effect, its consumption is recommended through an infusion, adding equal parts of thyme.
- Thyme: antiseptic and expectorant.
- Malva: anti-inflamatory.
- Eucalyptus: expectorant, antiseptic.
- Echinacea: anti-inflammatory and anti-virus.
- Gingseng: strengthens immune system.
You can take the infusion of these plants two or three times a day. The infusion is prepared by boiling water and immediately adding a tablespoon of the herb of choice. Turn off heat and let stand for 10 minutes. Strain and drink.
General care:
Water: the best thing is to clean up any water. Prepare a bottle, a liter of pure water with the juice of two fresh lemons and one tablespoon of chlorophyll. If you want to increase its healing power, do not sweeten with nothing. If sweetened, with honey, that is, do not use refined sugar.
Avoid: heavy foods such as starches, dairy animal, refined grains, and all kinds of foods with refined sugar.
Habits: If you really want to help restore the health, you need to leave behind the alcohol and snuff. .
Alternative therapies: aromatherapy, ayurveda, bio-acupuncture, reflexology, colon cleansing therapy, etc., are excellent natural alternative.