Category: Recipes & Cooking
If you like cooking, tell us what you like to cook and how you do it.
This section contains healthy recipes, some of them with organic products and Macrobiotics. An open door to a creative and unconventional kitchen. The recipes we have collected show different ways of cooking our products and savoring a healthy diet. We recommend using all the ingredients of organic farming (organic, organic). The ingredients of organic farming (organic, organic) are not genetically manipulated. In recipes, we have often used abbreviations q.s. and c.c. corresponding to tablespoon and coffee spoon respectively. Likewise, the ingredients in most recipes are calculated for approximately 4 people. We wish you enjoy them.
If you want to cook dishes full of color, flavor and nutrition in this space you will find a wide variety of healthy recipes for every occasion that you can make with natural ingredients and in a very simple way. Give flavor and color to your recipes every day.
Healthy ingredients for cooking
To cook in a healthy way it is necessary to choose the right ingredients. The most healthy and recommended ingredients in daily food are fresh fruits and vegetables, but currently there are also frozen, packaged or canned foods that are equally nutritious because they are organically produced and contain no preservatives or dyes, and are recommended, since it is not always possible to go to the markets to buy vegetables and fresh vegetables.
Hygiene in the kitchen
To prepare the best recipes and get the best results, and maintain health, avoiding contamination of food hygiene practices that should be observed in the kitchen, here we name some of them:
It is always necessary to bear in mind the expiration dates and observe the storage conditions of the food.
Perishable foods should be kept in refrigeration (0-5ºC) or freezing (-18ºC) until the moment of use. The temperature of the refrigerator must be adequate (between 0 and 5ºC) to avoid the proliferation of microorganisms. Nor should the refrigerator be completely filled, so cold air circulates without problems.
It is preferable to cook only the portions that are going to be consumed, and if you have left over prepared food keep it in refrigeration, although it should be consumed in the next few hours.
It is necessary to avoid cross-contamination, this refers to separating the food that is going to be worked, as well as the raw foods from those already cooked.
Always wash the raw vegetables carefully, with drinking water and sometimes with disinfectant.
When we cook, it is also important to take care of our personal hygiene, wash our hands before cooking, and keep the kitchen and utensils clean and within reach. Kitchen towels and towels should also be clean and within reach of your hand.
Watch the cooking times and organize the activities in the kitchen when you prepare a complete menu, the salad should be prepared to the last one, as the fresh vegetables can be marked