Category: Seaweed Recipes
The algae are marine plants, which like the terrestrial ones, need light, they have chlorophyll, roots, stems …; although its structure is different. In food, the Nori, Arame, Kombu, Wakame, Hijiki, Dulse, Agar Agar, Spirulina and Cochayuyo algae stand out for their properties. In macrobiotic they are part of the daily menu.
Algae are the vegetables with the highest content of mineral salts and trace elements. They are rich in iodine, iron (100 grams of algae give us twice as much iron as one hundred grams of lentils) cobalt, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and potassium. With 100 grams of Hiziki we bring 1400mg of calcium to the 100mg provided by the milk, and with 1 gram of Kombu algae every day we obtain a sufficient supply of iodine to guarantee the balance of the endocrine glands. Trace elements such as zinc necessary for the proper secretion and assimilation of insulin, iron and cobalt, responsible for avoiding anemia, or silicon and calcium, essential for fortifying bones, nails, skin and hair are present in the algae.
A daily tablespoon of seaweed supplies the body with all the essential minerals and trace elements essential for a correct cellular metabolism.
The chlorophyll richness of algae; The richest ones are spirulina and Klamath blue algae. Chlorophyll activates the enzymes of the body that are involved in the assimilation of nutrients to transform them into energy; It helps to purify the blood and increase the formation of hemoglobin, prevents the contraction of the blood vessels and increases the muscular and nervous performance.
Marine algae provide us with proteins, fiber, minerals, vitamins, and stimulate the metabolism, they have many properties and health benefits, know here the best Recipes with Seaweed, forms of preparation and dishes in which you can use them as an ingredient to enjoy a healthy food in various dishes.
Benefits of algae
Seaweed is a very interesting ingredient within our reach, although its consumption is more popular in China, Japan and Korea. They are very low in calories and rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, iodine, copper, selenium, manganese, sodium and cobalt. Some have a very high iodine content.
Regular consumption of sea kelp is very beneficial, however you should not exceed its consumption.
Seaweed contains minerals so its consumption favors the health of the bones and the functions of the organism.
Seaweed stimulates the metabolism, but patients with thyroid problems should avoid them.
The algae also have depurative qualities, stimulate the functioning of the kidneys and liver, and help us eliminate toxins. They also serve to regulate blood pressure.
Seaweed helps healthy skin, nails and hair.
The algae are very low in calories so they help us lose weight and eliminate accumulated fat.
Cooking with Seaweed
The best known algae are Cochayuyo, Agar Agar, Dulse, Chlorella, Hijiki, Nori, Spirulina, Kombu, Nori, and Wakame.
Currently we consume many processed foods, which are poor in micronutrients, due to industrial processes and refinement.
Preparing recipes with algae in our daily diet is a way to benefit from these micronutrients, and also help us lose weight.
Seaweed can be used as an ingredient for the preparation of temakis, sushi, desserts, sauces and soups, with vegetables, vegetables and stews, even with meat, appetizers, smoothies, salads, with rice and pasta.
Seaweed can be combined with all kinds of foods, and accompany our daily menus very well. Always use them in small quantities, ie between 5 and 10 g of dried seaweed per person, incorporating them into your recipes for salads, soups, rice, stews and pasta, it is always good to read the instructions that come with the algae.