Manifesto of the Platform for the Defense of Natural Health
In our manifesto we shaped the right of all citizen to the freedom of election in the care of its health, to resort to the use of therapies and natural products and demanded to the Spanish administration a coherent regulation of the sector of the Natural Health, of form with the implied parts, establishing the necessary criteria that they guarantee the product security and techniques used, on the base of scientific criteria and demonstrated effectiveness. Our objective is to obtain a real and right ordering of the sector, for benefit of all citizen.
Manifesto of the Platform for the Defense of the Natural Health
The protection of the health is one of the most important human rights. The scientific studies corroborate the accumulated experience during thousands of years of practice and demonstrate that many diseases can be prepared and to even treat by means of techniques and natural products, almost always less aggressive and practically free of indirect effect. The Spanish Administration, in spite of the effectiveness and security demonstrated by these natural methods, has had left its regulation during decades. At the moment it is dictating measured arbitrary that instead of contributing to the real regulation of the sector, is causing disagreement and social alarm between the consumers, users and professionals.
This platform tries to agglutinate to all the people worried about the care of health and the one about the others, and in it that has capacity of all that defends the right to resort to the use of natural methods for the prevention and treatment of the diseases.
We understand that the Spanish Administration must assume its responsibility in the coherent regulation of this sector, with the implied parts, respecting the freedom of the consumer to freely choose the form that decides for the care of its health, establishing the necessary criteria that they guarantee the security of products and techniques, being based on scientific criteria and the long experience of use, and that lead to a real and right ordering of the sector.
Read the decalogue of our vindications
1. To demand the right of all citizen to the freedom of election in the care of health.
2. Freedom of being able to resort to the use of the therapies and natural products to maintain and to improve our quality of life, being able to be integrated in public the sanitary system, independently of the point of sale.
3. To demand that one inside stops in the increasing restrictions to the free circulation and sale of natural products and outside the EEC, unless scientific information contrasted that exists it indicates real risks for the health of the consumers, as it has been happening for many decades in countries with more progressive legislations (United Kingdom, Holland, Belgium, the U.S.A. and Japan).
4. Drugs are not due necessarily to consider, although yes they have inherent preventive and therapeutic properties (like they have foods of habitual consumption). Our sanitary administration has described like medicines to a great number of natural products that, (and according to the sanitary authorities of other states members of the UE) are nutritional complements.
5. Right to communicate or to receive freely truthful information on products and natural therapies. The information offered to the consumer, through the labeled one, the presentation and the publicity of the product, must be based on published scientific research, indicating the own characteristics of the same one, as much the possible benefits as the use precautions.
6. To officially regulate the exercise, formation and administrative requirements of the professionals related to these natural therapies. To create professional faculties and schools with formation own and differentiated from the conventional medicine, as well as schools, like it happens in other European countries like Scandinavian Germany, United Kingdom or others.
7. To foment the "culture of the prevention", prioritizing those less aggressive methods and with little indirect effect (like the natural methods), and not solely the drug expositions.
8. The scientific research is due to harness on uses and applications of nutrients and plants in the human health. The public Administration must support actively the I+D+I (Investigation, Development and Innovation) of techniques and natural products for the benefit of all the citizens, creating a committee to multidiscipline from the sector for the development of protocols of use of natural products.
9. We demanded that report properly on the part of the public Administration and of natural mass media about the correct use of the techniques and products, and that the campaign of constant disrepute which it is put under the sector, by means of the slanted information dissemination stops and interpreted intensions, that generates an alarm between the consumers.
10. Remembering always the security of the consumer mechanisms must settle down to adapt to the sector (professional, establishments and related companies) to the legislative changes that take place. This way the legitimate exercise of its economic activity would be preserved, that supposes an elevated number of jobs.