Category: Dating and Love
How to find a boyfriend or a girlfriend that fits perfect with you. Dating and love. Tricks and tips for flirting and find the love of your life.
Relationships are a very important aspect in our daily life, know here how to solve problems and live happily and in harmony with your partner.
In Biomanantial we advise you on relationships and sexuality, so that you are informed at all times and consult us what you need.
Relationships of couple are complex and problems are very frequent as in all human relationships, however with a positive attitude and a good disposition and tolerance, based on love and understanding, all these disadvantages and differences can be overcome. Find here the help you need to improve your relationships and create strong bonds over time.
It is not about simply sharing moments with someone or sharing some activities together, the Relationships of Couple implies the desire of the couple is to be together in a healthy coexistence, a relationship that grows and strengthens with time, stable and many times with the order to form a family.
Communication in couple relationships
Communication is the main problem, often we do not express ourselves properly, we do not say what we really feel without offending, we do not listen to the other or we assume things. Another way to affect communication is to impose our ideas and criteria, complain permanently or try to control or change our partner.
All these communication problems of couples can short or medium term weaken and fracture the relationship, causing the break.
Demonstrate affection and appreciation
It is not the same to feel affection and appreciation and express it to our partner. Expressing affection and appreciation should be something natural and strengthens Relationships of Couple, and means emotional and physical benefits for those who express it and receive it. When we feel loved and appreciated we can reduce stress, glucose levels and cholesterol and also help us fight allergies and strengthen the immune system.
Being assertive is expressing our feelings through words or gestures, appropriately, while receiving the affection and appreciation of the couple. It is also important to express our desires and needs, as well as to listen to our partner, in this way the relationship will be stronger and the bonds of affection will be greater.
To receive the respect of your partner, we must respect our partner in the same way. Respect implies not only gestures and details, but having confidence and respecting each other’s spaces. It is a constructive, reciprocal act that will be the basis for a lasting love.