Category: Edible seaweed
Properties, tips and benefits of different types of edible seaweed. So that you can incorporate them to your diet.
There are many types of edible seaweed: Nori, Arame, wakame, Dulce, Hijiki, Kombu, Cochayuyo. All have interesting nutritional properties and can be used for cooking, in many recipes.
The algae vary in color, and can be red, blue, brown, in terms of flavor this can be very intense, soft or also very delicate, often this flavor depends on its place of origin. Edible seaweed is very nutritious, contains proteins and minerals, especially iodine, and should not be consumed in large quantities.
Types of edible seaweed
Some algae are well known as the agar-agar that is used to make gelatins and desserts and that are practically easily obtained, others such as the bore or cochayuyo are less known. In some places like Japan, the consumption of algae is very common, algae can be used as an ingredient in the preparation of soups, salads and as an accompaniment to special dishes.
Currently there is already a high demand for some kinds of algae, and its cultivation is done through aquaculture, however some classes need a special ecosystem that can not be created, they are collected and processed for human consumption.
Red seaweed
Red algae have a pigment that gives them an intense red, brown or black color. Among the edible red algae we have agar-agar, Dulse and Carragaheen. These algae are mostly marine, they have minerals, fiber and proteins.
Blue algae
Among these we have Spirulina and Afa. They are rich in protein, and minerals such as iron, help strengthen the immune system, cardiovascular and regulate high cholesterol, but as in all algae its use should be moderate. Spirulina is also used as a supplement in the form of slimming capsules.
Brown algae
These edible algae perform photosynthesis, among them are the Wakame, Nori, Arame, Alaria, Kombu, Cochayuyo and Hiziki. These provide many nutrients and vitamins.
Consumption of edible seaweed
Although in many countries its use is still not usual its consumption is a healthy habit, since its contribution in minerals, vitamins and other substances complement our diet. Dehydrated products are preserved for months without losing their nutritional properties, and with water they recover their natural appearance, flavor and texture. You can get dehydrated, fresh or in tablets. There are many delicious recipes that include seaweed as an ingredient is your preparation.