Category: Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine or traditional oriental medicine are the names that are commonly given to a compendium of therapies that includes, among others, Acupuncture, Tuina Massage, Phytotherapy, Diet Therapy and Moxibustion.
The principles of Chinese Medicine have not lost their validity in today’s world, a philosophy of life that takes into account various aspects such as physical, emotional and spiritual balance based on respect for the laws of nature, earns more followers every year.
Chinese Medicine starts approximately 5000 years ago; and nowadays it is practiced all over the world, it is a tradition that through time has shown to be effective, so today it works together with medical organizations and conventional treatments.
Chinese Medicine and Food
Oriental medicine gives great value to food and nutrition, and refers to a balanced diet, which is the basis for a healthier life. For a healthy life according to this philosophy, diet, exercise, rest, and a positive attitude count.
The Chinese food system proposes to include a whole range of foods that include the 5 flavors: spicy, sweet, sour, bitter and salty.
Since ancient times, Chinese experts have determined the relationship between the taste of an herb or food and the effect it produces when ingested, so the right combination of herbs is important to treat for example a disease.
Traditional Chinese Medicine establishes a relationship between the five flavors and the five organs: heart, liver, lungs, kidneys and spleen.
Foundations of Chinese Medicine
Chinese Medicine is based on the principle of Yin-Yang or the relationship between the creative (Yang) and the receptive (Yin), and the Theory of the Five Elements or forces of nature to maintain a balance between Ying and Yang .
Traditional Chinese Medicine talks about the dynamics between these forces that are the elements and the Yin-Yang principle that help us maintain and recover our physical and emotional health.
The Traditional Chinese Medicine does not cure the symptoms, and the treatment is not focused on a particular organ, nor to attack a single cause that could have originated the disease, the treatment is directed to the patient as a unit for the restoration of the integral balance always taking into account factors such as the patient’s condition, his age. Gravity of the problem, if it is chronic and also the previous health conditions. One of the techniques used is Acupuncture that improves the quality of life.