Category: Fruit recipes
Recipes of all kinds for desserts with fruits for children to eat.
Fruits are a very versatile ingredient in our kitchen, with them we can make recipes of very different types such as soups, juices, desserts such as cakes or biscuits, cookies, salads and many other delicious dishes
Fruits have a wide variety of colors, flavors and shapes, and one of the natural foods with the greatest amount of nutrients. All fruits have vitamins, fiber and natural antioxidants. Fruits can be consumed fresh, as juice or in an infinity of Recipes with Fruits that we present here.
Properties of fruits
Each fruit has specific benefits for our food and health:
Vitamins: Among the most important vitamins that can be found in a variety of fruits are vitamin C, A, and antioxidants. In some fruits we also find B vitamins.
Minerals: Fruits are high in minerals such as potassium and magnesium, these fruits are highly recommended for good digestion.
Fiber: Fruits contain a high satiety value because they contain a lot of fiber such as pectin. It is always recommended not to peel fruits, as much of the fiber is present in the peel.
Water: Fruits are very depurative due to the large amount of water they contain, in addition to giving us a feeling of fullness and helping us control appetite.
Phytochemicals: They are the pigments that give color and flavor to fruits, in addition to the benefits of antioxidants, which prevent diseases and premature aging.
Recipes with Fruits
Fruit recipes are ideal for children, and a fun way to increase their consumption, since they are key in infant feeding. In addition recipes with fruits are very easy to prepare as in the case of fruit smoothies, jellies with fruits, natural juices with mixed fruits, fruit salad, skewers with fruits, breakfast with decorated fruits, cupcakes, pancakes with fruits, pancakes , cakes and cakes.
The shakes are the favorites of the smallest children, they can be prepared only with the fruit, or also with milk. As the fruits are already sweet, it is not necessary to add sugar, but if necessary you can use honey.
The most healthy fruits
The best is to consume fresh fruits, but most of them retain their properties also dehydrated or frozen, but it is always recommended to buy seasonal and local fruits, these are cheaper and fresher. Among the five most healthy fruits are blueberries, citrus fruits such as oranges, apples, bananas or bananas, kiwis and strawberries.