The mind: a powerful tool to create health and fortune

Published: 06/29/2009 - Updated: 06/07/2016

It is well known since ancient times, that the mind is an extraordinary tool, we hear that it is powerful and has hidden talents, and with it we can create what we propose. However, like any tool, it is necessary to know and learn to use it, which means, of course, will and patience many times, something we do not like at all, usually prefer the quick and easy results. However, if we slowly get  into the task, it soon would bring really surprising results.

Educating the Mind

Educating the mind is the same as educating the body: if we want to achieve, for example, an good abdomen we undoubtedly need a series of exercises, will and patience, surely sacrificing some power in question and others. Every good coach knows that a body is the spectacular result of a series of habits and training.

The mind begins to educate since we started to have the will to do something, so from the time that you intend to create in your life, health and beauty, your mind starts working the case, soon begin to appear in life situations that make you appreciate, consider and reflect. Maybe we find a number of problems and drawbacks in the way, but every time we try to fix them, we are strengthening this tool, and we're driving without a doubt where we want.

Mind, Meditation and health

Meditation can have many aims and practices in many different ways. In this time, the meditation that we offer to help your body through an exercise approach to put it in an optimal state of energy, so that your body begins to respond positively to a state of balance and harmony called health.

It is important to know before you begin this meditation, perhaps you've heard here, that thoughts affect your body, and that every time you think something, somehow your body absorbs the energy that emerges from such thinking. The thoughts are as the food: having the higher quality, better utilize and nurture reality.

Quality thinking is one that contains more life and "fresh nutrients" in addition to the more artificial elements or processed thoughts, are less nutritious. With this I mean that our thoughts should be focused only on those things that make us feel a fresh enthusiasm and sincere, and not on those things that we do not want or make us feel depressed and despondent and focus on things that if we happen and we lifted the heart, without losing sight, of course, the contours around us, which is the means by which we can achieve what we have in mind.

How to Meditate?

In fact, this meditation can be done anywhere, in our spare time while working or before sleeping or on waking in the morning, even when doing chores or study.

Certainly keep thinking focused on what we want is a difficult task, because the thought, as well as our back, tends to stoop, to collapse, our attention "falls" usually because of the circumstances of reality.


So this is to make you strong in the habit of keeping as much time as possible in your mind focused on what you love and you want. But as to this principle is very difficult for all that distraction out there, then look for things that make you notice if your thoughts are where you want them to be.

For example: every time you are sad, devastated or bored every time you feel alone, or feel that it is impossible to achieve something, you have to put your thought on what you want, no matter how bad you feel or how much it hurt, only that in your frontal lobe (located in the middle of your eyes) see the mental picture of what you want.

For example, if you want to achieve health, visualize healthy, imagine that such body that hurts or is not working properly, think it is a body that works with happy and harmonious way, healthy, see yourself, and tell your mind disband whatever the thing that is creating this situation of disharmony and pain.

If, on the other side, which is unfortunate is that you do not have enough money, then you have to visualize abundant tryng to feel that you are rich, you have so long, and start acting on this thought, i.e., act as if you were rich, do not let fear win, have encouraging thoughts that make you feel calm and confident because you know the abundance in your life.

The latter is important because if you focus on thoughts of abundance while the other side to send the message from your attitude that you think is wrong, and you start to desperate to do things you do not believe, abundance will not come, then the meditation will help.

These small, but great strides are a way of developing the potential of your mind, which has strong creative talents that only need to develop and "wake up" to benefice of them in all aspects of your life.

About the author
  • K. Laura Garcés G

    Writer, therapist and lecturer. She is a lover of natural medicine and the power of mind and emotions in body and life. In addition, he has studied nutrition and develops appropriate diets to support this healing process.She has written more than 1500 articles in magazines in Spain and Mexico, winner of two literature contests. Linkedin.