Breathing well: energy, beauty, youth… and a flat stomach

Published: 03/14/2007 - Updated: 07/17/2016

Little vitality, feelings of sadness and pessimism, and dull skin, lack of vigorous mood, tummy belly without majesty… Are you breathing right?

Among demanding activities and a fast life, usually we do not pay attention to what we take for granted, that occurs without awareness, it happens every second and that is one of major exercises of the body to provide vitality and strength not only to all the organs and cells of the body, but our character and mood. Breathing gives us many good qualities, among which are health and youth, and having well oxygenated tissues make them strengthened, and tone is clean, become resilient and strong. Breathing also provides good gloss on eyes, skin and hair, resiliency and elasticity in the movement, a way of living high, erect and lively: a beautiful face.

Learning to breath causes that belly fat reduces, the lungs are completely emptied of stale air and fresh air comes with greater ease, relaxing muscle tension while tissues and the circulation becomes strong, the metabolism of cells is improved and thus its elasticity, vitality and youth are accentuated (delayed aging). With a good oxygenation, appetite is reduced and effectively combat obesity (unbalanced individuals ingest quantities of food because of the defective respiration, as the body, by not having enough energy, requires calories of food). A well oxygenated body feels lighter, thinks better, increases its defense mechanisms, it becomes tough and lively, the posture is corrected and the column becomes stronger, fighting constipation, especially intravenous circulation in the liver, kidney, pancreas, blood, blood velocity increases towards the extremities. Breathing gives massage to stimulate your bowel movements and decreases, among many other ailments such as diabetes, malnutrition, heart problems, generalized sclerosis, influenza, obesity, infectious disease, emphysema and lung cancer. It prevents varicose veins.

It is easy to notice that people who exercise have certainly a more healthy and vigorous life. The swimmers have learned to coordinate their movements with their breath, they have to breathe deep and then empty air as the swimming speed, so it is really a good oxygenation. In dancing, something strange happens: If you do not know to breathe, you cannot move with ease. Coordinating the breathing with the movement makes it look funny, vigorous, fast and gentle. Coordinating any physical activity with breathing is the best way to achieve an aesthetic and a health body, but it is not necessary to have a physical activity to breathe well. We occupy about fifteen or twenty minutes in the morning and after having fixed the right way to breathe, pay attention during the day and correct the way you breathe. Usually our breathing is slow and cut, now we would care if we realize how little air enters our body. Practice something now: sighs softly. How do you feel?

Breathing properly

If we have a balanced diet combined with proper breathing, no doubt we will accentuate all of the food benefits. Breathing is something that well all must learn, especially those who live in polluted cities, which reduce the vitality, mental and physical activity by excessive inhalation of gaseous pollutants.

Serving your breathing

You can do this exercise standing or sitting, but your column must be very straight.

  • Without stop breathing as you always do, put your hand on the abdomen.
  • Note when breathing if your abdomen is inflated when inhale or exhale.
  • If your abdomen is inflated when inhale, you're breathing in a proper manner.
  • If your abdomen is inflated when exhale, correct the way you breathe: let the air to inflate your abdomen, inhale as if it were a balloon. And when you exhale, contract the abdomen.
  • Once you are well aware of this form of breathing, perform three breaths focusing all your attention: eight seconds to breathe in your abdomen filled. It is important that you don’t force your inhalation to carry out a passive form, the natural effort of the inspiratory muscles. Hold your breath four seconds and exhale while that your womb is contracting, until you can feel your ribs out and no longer have any more air.
  • Stay out of breath about four seconds and repeat again.
  • Pay attention to how your abdominal muscles move, because these are very important in the mechanism of respiration. If you feel that your stomach is weak, it does not matter.

During the day, when you feel tired and tense, attend the way you breathe, if you're breathing properly. And every time you surprised curved, get the chest straight and breath as indicated. Crouching is not only a sign of poor oxygenation, but the muscles of the spine are "pinched" preventing the energy flowing freely.

Changing our way of breathing is much simpler than what you think, you just have to pay care and attention to your breath and do not forget to make it natural, but conscious. You can find books to learn about breathing.

About the author
  • K. Laura Garcés G

    Writer, therapist and lecturer. She is a lover of natural medicine and the power of mind and emotions in body and life. In addition, he has studied nutrition and develops appropriate diets to support this healing process.She has written more than 1500 articles in magazines in Spain and Mexico, winner of two literature contests. Linkedin.