Juices to treat and heal Pulmonary Fibrosis
Pulmonary fibrosis occurs when the alveoli of the lungs, gradually is replaced by fibrotic atypical tissue, which form a scar, a thick tissue that loses elasticity and irreversibly affects the ability to carry oxygen to the blood. There are different types of pulmonary fibrosis, including idiopathic and usual, that have different symptoms.
- Weaknesses when making any effort (especially in usual pulmonary fibrosis )
- Cough
- Difficulty while breathing
- Lung sounds (crackles)
- In some cases, pulmonary limitations and modifications in the customary exchange of gases that holds the lung.
Possible causes that may predispose this condition:
- Too much stress, anxiety or distress.
- A poor diet low in vitamin C and antioxidant nutrients.
- Smoking
- Gastric reflux
- Environment: Frequent exposure to substances such as lead, brass, gases, smoke, pine wood, sawdust, radiation, bird feather, coal dust or cotton, silica dust, etc.
- Use of certain medications such as antidepressants, anxiolytics, etc.
- In patients with pulmonary fibrosis, there was a virus such as Ebstein Barr virus, CMV, HIV and Hepatitis C.
Natural Cure
The body can heal itself if you give it the necessary elements, which are mainly based on a natural treatment.
The natural treatment for this condition is to perform a series of transformations in the habits of the person, such as diet, lifestyle and ways of looking at the experiences that happen.
The juice therapy is one of the most effective ways to fill the body of nutrients and healing elements. If you accompaniy it with a proper diet, without sugar, refined flour, cow's milk, fried meats, junk food and red meat, it can be a real cure.
It is very necessary to avoid a lot of cooked foods, to drink enough water and to make moderate physical activity.
Here are some healing juices to support your true healing. Remember to use organic food of quality that contain as many essential nutrients as possible. Never sweeten juices with anything, it is best to drink it alone or add some pure honey.
You need: half cactus or half cup of aloe juice, a lemon, a bit of raw garlic, honey. Blend all with lemon juice and half a glass of water and drink without strain, three days a week.
You need: A glass of fresh orange juice, a tablespoon of chia, the juice of a squeezed lemon. Stir well and drink all fasting.
You need: A glass of fresh carrot juice, a bit of beet, half cup of alfalfa. Blend all in blender and sip without strain. Drink to lunch, tasting every sip well.
You need: a glass of prune juice fresh with two umeboshi plums. Blend and sip in afternoon. Do not combine this with other foods or juices, you have to drink it alone, with empty stomach and two hours after eating.
You need: a cup of alfalfa, the juice of two lemons, a piece of raw garlic, a glass of pure water, a piece of pineapple of the size of the hand. Blend everything and sweeten with honey. Sip half a day, for lunch.
Drink a glass of fresh cranberry juice mixed with pineapple, fasting for 10 days.
You need: two peeled fresh tomatoes, a sprig of celery, a pinch of salt and juice of half a lemon. Pass through the extractor and drink when eating, drinking before two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.