Infections: diet and recipes to control and prevent
Skin, eyes, lungs, stomach infections, etc, are mainly due the saturation of toxins in the body low defenses, mainly related to both diet and the quality of food we consume. So when you have any infection, you need to improve the diet and combine it with a good workout, so the body could be relaxed and have a good circulation of nutrients and expulsion of toxins (bowel movement).
These are foods that should certainly get out of your diet right now because they create in the body an environment conducive to fostering the growth of bacteria, viruses, parasites:
Flour and refined sugar, cow's milk and derivatives, sausages and fried, junk or processed food, red meat, alcohol, irritating or pungent food and avoid anything with preservatives, colorings and additives.
The diet should be as natural as possible and preferably organic or biological and foods with vitamin C, A and antioxidants should predominate. Garlic, onion and apple should be in your diet, and try to eat less during meals, drink enough water in case of diarrhea and increase the consumption of steamed vegetables.
Remember that natural healing is a way to help the body make its own defenses and rebuild, repair and strengthen the body in every way.
The diet recommended for infections is:
FAST: two tablespoons ofolive oil extra virginand a glass of warm water with the juice of a lemon squeezed.
BREAKFAST: a bowl of fruit, especially papaya (for stomach infections, even with diarrhea), pineapple (in case of respiratory, skin, etc.), or grapes and more. You can add honey and a few pieces of almonds or walnuts.
MID MORNING: tomato juice with celery and nopal (you can use aloe too) or an antibiotic juice (see recipe).
FOOD: vegetable broth, brown ricewith vegetables, vegetables without frying pancakes, veggie sandwich with whole wheat bread, etc.
AFTER NOON: If you are hungry, eat some whole grain cereal bar or a bowl of chopped apple.
NIGHT: cup of oatmeal with rice milk, glass of warm soy milk with honey, chamomile tea and toast with olive oil and chopped tomato. Include a bit of raw garlic.
BEFORE SLEEP: apple juice, sweet apple sweetened with brown sugar (see recipe).
Apple sweet
You need:
- 2 apples, peeled and sliced
- 4 pitted prunes
- Two apricots
- An orange into wedges
- Brown sugar
Place everything in a saucepan together with two glasses of water and boil until cooked but not overcook. You can add a squeeze of lemon.
Antibiotic Juice
You need:
- A glass of fresh orange juice
- The juice of a lemon squeezed
- One cup of fresh blueberries
- Mix everything in a blender and drink immediately, with slow sips.
Anti-infections Vegetable Soup
You need:
- 1 carrot
- 1 onion
- 1 tomato
- ½ leek
- ½ celery stalk
- 1 garlic
- 1 bay leaf
- 2 zucchini
- 100 g of spinach
- 1 bunch of parsley
- Medium onion finely sliced
- 1 bunch of fresh basil
- Salt
Wash and peel the carrots, peel the onion, clean the celery, lopping the filaments, and leeks, prepare de zucchini and spinach too. Wash all vegetables, drain and cut into small pieces. Put them in the pan, add whole tomatoes and peeled garlic. Pour into the pot 1 ½ liters of water, add parsley, basil and bay leaf and bring to a boil. Simmer until vegetables are tender, but not much to preserve nutrients. Season after. Serve hot, add the lemon juice and chopped onion to the dish, if you want.