Cracked, swollen or itchy fingers: secrets to heal them
Do you want beautiful fingers? If your fingers are swollen, itchy, cracked or sore, it’s time to attack the problem from its root. The itchy fingers may be due to different causes: fungus, dermatitis, dryness, etc. If you have this symptom combined with swollen and cracked skin, then it is suffering and needs an immediate remedy.
Natural treatments
The first thing to do is avoid using pharmacy’s creams or ointments, including corticosteroids, as this could be like covering the sun with one finger. If you don’t attack this from the root, then the body just wane your ability to heal and the immune system would be weakened. Furthermore, the use of creams and other chemicals can worsen the matter, because this is a problem that comes from inside our body and cannot simply be destroyed from outside.
Certainly the first step is a diet, because the swelling and itching are evidence that the body is accumulating toxins. A body accumulates toxins when there is a careless diet, physical inactivity, anger emotions, strong stress, constipation, sluggish bowel, etc.
You should monitor your body has a proper evacuation, i.e. you should go at least, once or twice times to defecate, because if you don’t, your body will continuously accumulating waste faster, and they ferment inside the body, which causes skin and our second kidney or excretory organ, have to clear toxins, accumulating them in different parts and creating an environment conducive to incubating germs. The skin health begins in the intestines, and to keep them healthy you should take the following precautions:
- Drink at least two liters of water a day, this will keep the intestines working properly and the toxic substances will mobilize more quickly and frequently. In addition, this will keep your skin moist and lubricated, which is essential for healing it.
- You must include in your diet taking two tablespoons of virgin-fasting olive oil, along with a glass of warm water and the juice of half squeezed lemon. This will prevent lazy bowel syndrome and also help fight the skin condition.
- Starting from today, try to remove all you can in the waste in your body, i.e., all refined, processed, added with dyes, additives, chemical preservatives foods, etc. This is essential, because any skin problem should be treated cleaning the whole system.
To have a healthier skin, follow these recommendations:
- Take one raw garlic at night (to avoid the smell bothers you in your activities in the morning). The garlic should be taken every third day, you should chew or crush it well before eating to avoid bad digestion. It is important to drink a glass of water after taking it and do it an hour before sleep.
- Fasting, drink olive oil and warm water. Then, begin with a citrus fruit and do not combine it with anything else. Wait for half an hour until digestion and later, have breakfast, avoiding foods we explained before, especially you should avoid cow's milk products, refined sugar and all meats. Include in your diet vegetable stocks, salads and fresh vegetable juices, especially from carrot, alfalfa and celery.
- To reduce inflammation and prevent itching, buy ginger root, wash it well and give it two or three bites a day. Ginger is an extraordinary natural medicine to treat and heal skin problems. If you feel a strong flavor, prepare a tea and drink it two or three times.
- Drink fresh vegetable juice daily combining carrots with other vegetables.
- Increase intake of vitamin C which is found in abundance in lemons, guavas, broccoli, plums, etc.
- Avoid scratching as this will damage your skin. Instead of scratching, use tepezcohuite ointment or drops of lemon smeared with coconut oil on the affected area. Try to see if you're very tense, stressed or you're holding some anger.
Natural Ointment to heal cracked skin and red: Mix two tablespoons of coconut oil with crushed raw garlic to make something like dough. Strain well with a cloth, leaving only the oil impregnated with garlic juice. Once your fingers are clean (previously wash them with soap and water), put the oil inside a pair of latex gloves. Use the gloves overnight. In the morning, rinse with clean water using mild soap. Spread tepezcohuite enzyme cream. Make this remedy for 7 consecutive nights. Then, do it once a week.
Stress, anger and the relation with itching and inflammation
Watch your stress: virtually all skin conditions are caused by accentuated and prolonged stress. If your fingers itch, it is perhaps because you are too worried or angry with someone. It is important that you learn control your emotions; especially anger, because that will damage your body. Remember that anger is inside each one. Actually nothing can make us angry, anger is already there, and others just do things to provoke it. Also, you should watch if you feel guilty or bad feelings. For this, I recommend reading the book You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay. If your heart healthy and your mind is at peace, your body will be in perfect health.
Alternative Therapies: You should do bio-energy therapies to help you avoid tension. Yoga and Taichi can help you to stay calm and learn about yourself.