8 Herbs to purify the blood
Do you have any allergies? Skin Problems? Are you prone to getting sick or becoming infected? So surely you need to purify your blood, because if this is not sufficiently decontaminated and contains toxic chemicals, your immune system will suffer and be predisposed to endless suffering.
The blood can be contaminated by many issues: poor evacuation of toxins due to poor functioning of the excretory organs such as kidneys, liver or intestines, and a diet high in toxic substances or harmful fats and low in fresh food such as enzymes or the vegetables. When there is excess of harmful substances, these pass into the bloodstream looking for ways to be eliminated through the pores of the skin. That's why the patients, prone to blackheads, pimples, acne, etc., are in direct relationship with blood toxemia. If the blood, despite its escape through the skin, does not get fully debugged and pollution persists, then produce what is known as internal fever, or heat the blood, which causes virtually most disease including overweight, which is a symptom of a severe accumulation of toxins.
It is always desirable and advisable, at least twice a month, to do a blood purification treatment as a preventive method and support to help fight any infection that is already suffering.
Two or three times a month, you should spend a day eating a fruit or vegetable and no more, and drinking two liters of pure water and two cups of cleansing herbal teas, one fasting and one in the afternoon. For this treatment you should choose a day that you are calm at home and have no pressure, so that your nervous system rests.
Certainly, your intestines and blood will appreciate this treatment, since they struggle every day removing all kind of stuff often difficult to remove or stagnant in your body. Here are the most effective herbs that can be used for this blood purifier treatment. You can choose two herbs the day of your treatment or over and take it twice, but preferably try not to mix with each other, i.e. do not put three or two different herbs in a cup of tea.
Blood cleansing herbs
1) Burdock: a very effective treatment plant to clean the blood and lymphatic system. The purifying treatment with this plant reduces congestion and swelling, removing toxins through the skin and / or urine, and clears uric acid. The use of this plant as efficiently cleanses the body is recommended to treat arthritis, sciatica, gout, skin rashes, acne, blood acidity, edema, kidney stones and / or vesicular), sore throat, liver and biliary disorders, cystitis , herpes, fever, diabetes, etc.
2) Elder: with a laxative, purgative and cleansing effect. It is an excellent antiseptic, astringent, bactericidal, with anti-inflammatory properties, making it an excellent alternative to, in addition to clearing the blood, help heal the liver and kidneys.
3) Nettle: A highly effective cleanser, it detoxifies blood poisoning cases quickly and eliminates toxic substances. It is diuretic, a remedy that is used to treat diseases of the liver and kidneys.
4) Dandelion: a completely safe herb can eliminate and cleanse blood of toxins.
5) Lemon: one of the purifying remedies par excellence. Among its long list of medicinal qualities, stands out as an ideal cleanser also is bactericidal and fungicidal, cleans deep while managing a healing, regenerative and restorative process of the whole organism.
6) Hyssop: cleansing properties especially with the bad fats accumulated.
7) Aloe: among its many virtues, has cleansing effect immune-stimulants, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral detoxification. In addition, it has a healing effect while detoxifying and invigorating the body generally.
8) Sarsaparilla: a medicinal plant par excellence, has cleansing properties, effectively removes toxins from the blood, excessive fat in the bloodstream, excess uric acid, etc. It also has direct action on the kidney by stimulating the elimination of excess fluids and is an excellent antioxidant, which allows, among other things, a good cellular and metabolic activity of the organism. One of the best plants to slim and purify the body.
Effects during the healing process
It is normal that every time we perform a purifying process, exacerbated symptoms appear or worsen. For a deep cleansing treatment is sometimes normal tummy ache in your head, you have some dizziness, nausea or rash. If this happens, treatment is recommended more often, it means that the body is saturated with toxins. If symptoms during the healing crisis are strong, you should also consider monitoring a proper diet.
Obesity and blood intoxicated
If you want to lose weight, it is essential that you purify your blood to make a complete recovery. It is recommended to drink for three days by choosing three teas and drink 3 cups of each for a day. Drink water and eat a single fruit or vegetables, you can change depending on the day. Oranges and grapes are excellent for this. After three days, you take a pint of carrot juice between meals and eliminate fried foods, meats, refined sugars and white bread.
Pregnant and nursing women should consult their doctor before drinking any healing or herbal treatments.