UPA takes organic agriculture from Guadalajara near Madrid

Published: 11/27/2006 - Updated: 02/10/2018

Guadalajara Organic Agriculture is of increasing presence outside the province, but does so slowly. Marketing remains one of the main obstacles faced by this small sector in terms of selling their products.

As Ramiro Cipriano recognizes, head of the UPA in agrarian Guadalajara, farmers still have great difficulty in making their products reach the consumer, as few businesses opt for this type of production.  

The high prices of these products are a problem, are expensive but they are healthier, defends the industry. Furthermore, another difficulty is that haunts the industry, says Ramiro, the lack of support from government at the time to increase their consumption.

Since this organization is calling for more agricultural cooperation from them in the belief that an increased awareness of organic products, their benefits, increase their consumption and encourage cheaper prices.

Another of the great struggle that the organic farmer has to fight is the large margins that exist in the final prices of these products as a result of intermediaries between producers and consumers. According to Ramiro, the issue remains and is the subject of hot debate raised by UPA in the Ministry of Agriculture, but so far have found solutions that satisfy the land.

During several weeks of this month, UPA and Juan Manuel Aguirre Gonzalez, Valdegrudas partner and producer of organic agriculture, presented their products in the popular vegetable market Self organic sales. This is a commercial center of certified organic products. The presence of PPS in this establishment has undoubtedly an incentive for further promotion of organic agriculture.

In addition to direct sales of organic products, consumers have come to enjoy the restaurant all-natural products as organic, as well as workshops, conferences and other events related to this sector.

UPA wanted to be present with a booth at this market, not only to publicize and defend the organic products, but to show their support for a sector which, according to Ramiro, needs more support "if we place ourselves in our rightful place in it."

In fact, the organization for several years held various seminars and courses on organic agriculture, defending a type of production that respects the environment and is away from the use of fertilizers and plant protection chemicals that are harmful to the human consumption, said the chairman of the committee.

Source: The Chronicle

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2 Replies to “UPA takes organic agriculture from Guadalajara near Madrid”
  • Terrance says:

    It seems that more and more people are giving a change to the natural food and organic of course, this is good idea that all the countries should implement to stop the sickness in the world caused by bad fertilizers and chemicals that poison the food we eat! Cheers for Guadalajara

  • Stacy says:

    It is true that there seems to be a large uprising of support and awareness regarding organic agriculture, and I feel like it is probably long overdue, this awakening to the effects of food that we ingest. Of course, eating chemicals or genetically engineered food MUST have some sort of effect on the boyd.