Twelve Tips for reducing abdominal fat and sagging

Published: 05/21/2014 - Updated: 01/12/2016

The abdomen is one of the areas in the body that stores fat and it sometimes sags, as well as swelling and bloating.
A flat and firm stomach is the result of a series of careful but easy exercises, which need not be a serious effort nor tedious, but rather the dedication of just a few minutes each day in order to form some very simple but effective habits.

To reduce abdominal fat:

  1. Fasting: Drink Boldo tea every morning with a squeeze of lemon juice. Boldo tea will help your liver to purify harmful fats, in addition to cleansing your blood and intestines of accumulated toxins that cause someone to be overweight.

  2. One of the main things which cause abdominal fat is the consumption of a lot of food at any one mealtime, as well as combining many types of foods such as proteins, sugars and carbohydrates. When you eat out, choose a big fresh salad with mixed seasonable vegetables and a cooked meal, for example a soup or stew.

  3. One of the most effective secrets to reduce your stomach fat is to eat sparingly five times a day. A salad with a cooked dish is the best combination. In the morning, a large plate of fruit is recommended but do not attempt to combine more than one fruit. Where possible, choose citrus or acidic fruits, such as pineapple, oranges and grapes, and avoid eating with cream. Another option is raw oats and some chopped walnuts or almonds, as well as amaranth. If you have a swollen abdomen due to an excess of gas, you can try alternating citrus fruits with papaya for two or three days.

  4. If you really want to achieve a slimmer stomach, you will need to leave aside white flour and especially white sugar and everything that contains these ingredients, for example fizzy drinks, cakes and other sweet products. White sugar affects the accumulation of abdominal body fat.

  5. During midmorning: Drink a carrot juice with liquified prickly pear cactus. Cactus is a great fat scavenger, plus it will help you rejuvenate and reaffirm tissues. Whenever you make vegetable smoothies, drink immediately and never add lemon or sweeteners.

  6. Before getting out of bed, get used to the idea of doing thirty abdominal crunches a day. As well as strengthening your abdominal muscles, it will mobilise the bowel helping to evacuate toxins and accumulated fats.

  7. Try to avoid eating red meat and cow's milk, as well as the bad habit of eating between meals. If you get hungry, prepare a liter of hibiscus water without sugar and drink it during the day. The hibiscus is a great cleanser and burns fat. If you add lemon juice you will accentuate its effects.

  8. When you're sitting or standing, try to maintain good posture in order to avoid accumulating fat more easily.

  9. Daily: Drink two litres of pure water, or one litre of hibiscus water and another litre of pure water. In the afternoon, have a green tea with a few drops lemon. Green tea helps reduce and burn extra fat.

  10. Eat a whole avocado: Avocado has many properties, including lots of proteins and natural fat which is very beneficial for the body. This will help maintain a healthy level of good fats in your body that are not at all harmful.

  11. The following foods are the number one cause of excessive abdominal fat: French fries, fried meat, sausage (ham, sausage and salami), soft drinks and sugary juices or preservatives, milk (even light), cakes and refined flour.

  12. Try to walk or jog for at least 10 minutes a day.

On the other hand, there is another reason you should consider if you notice that your stomach is not losing anything: Stress and anxiety. The abdominal area is very sensitive to stress and anxiety, so try to be calm, and to approach life with confidence. When you feel stressed, drink chamomile tea or peppermint, and try to take breaks when you need. Never work when you are tired, as this is bad for the overall health of your body and can cause damage to your liver, which is responsible for processing fats.

About the author
  • K. Laura Garcés G

    Writer, therapist and lecturer. She is a lover of natural medicine and the power of mind and emotions in body and life. In addition, he has studied nutrition and develops appropriate diets to support this healing process.She has written more than 1500 articles in magazines in Spain and Mexico, winner of two literature contests. Linkedin.

8 Replies to “Twelve Tips for reducing abdominal fat and sagging”
  • KAREN says:


  • Kevin says:

    I will follow the step 6 very closely as commonly I try to do exercise in the morning but after a couple of days, I just get bored or I forget doing it :/

  • Diane says:

    following these tips and including diet vegetables and fruits like following a diet regime can make u lose fat in no time! I know that for esperience

  • Natalia says:

    I was looking for some tips to reduce abdominal fat. Probably, I will try some of this list. Anyway, I also think, that exercise is missing here. It should be considered by the author.

  • Jhoan says:

    These tips provide very interesting information to be taken into account when trying to reduce abdominal fat. They are not the usual tips we are used to seeing published, but new ones which deserved to be tried. For example, I didn?t know stress and anxiety played such an important role in losing fat or that having a good posture avoids the accumulation of fat more easily.

  • Maria Victoria Escuder says:

    I think I will go on a diet and try with these tips. It is hard but not impossible.
    Great tips!

  • Stacy says:

    Great tips. I especially like the comment about fasting. I’m a huge fan of Helen and Scott Nearing (and their idea of living out “the good life”), and they felt that a one day fast, once a week, was absolutely an essential part of good health. Maybe that’s why so many people suffer from “stuck on” abdominal fat that doesn’t seem to budge no matter what they try. Perhaps all those built up toxins express themsevles as a spare tire.

  • Emily Grace B says:

    I liked this article a lot and am tempted to try the hibiscus water because I quite often eat little snacks during the day between my meals in order to ward off hunger!
    It is important to remember that no amount of eating special foods or fasting is going to help reduce abdominal fats if you don’t combine your diet with regular exercise… This is SO important.