Natural therapies – TENACAT
TENACAT is a federation of professional natural therapies. As organization that brings together professionals from all areas of natural therapies, TENACAT wants go beyond economic interests. It maintains the vision of promoting the knowledge of natural therapies in society, facilitating their development with full guarantees of quality, while retaining their identity and rights philosophies.
It is an independent organization, not linked to any political party. Guidelines and decisions are made by the member institutions according to democratic principles.
It is proactive. Given the challenges, more than one position, try to find a forward.
It is diverse. Professional associations represent members who work with different therapies and different professional backgrounds. TENACAT respects the independence of each member association. It respects leads to understanding, this brings support among members, and the latter decide on possible actions.
Keeping features of TENACAT, independence, diversity, pro-business, decisions democratically, and so, a spokesman for the Federation promotes and defends the interests of professional partners.
TENACAT wants to be a useful tool for professionals in partner organizations and members to users and society, which ultimately is the one who seeks our services.
What do we do?
We want to publicize all the values of our knowledge and experience that we believe are relevant to our society.
Our therapeutic and human capabilities, our point of view regarding health, our philosophy of life, our philosophy of ecology… respect the maximum of natural therapy, which is nature's own body to recover, or the therapist is a companion on the road to regaining health.
We have a total imbrication in social health. We have much to say about health, not just people, but also to management and other health professionals.
Short and medium term Objectives
- Negotiating terms with the administration of any regulation affecting practitioners of natural therapies.
- Requesting modification of the tax system and tax code.
- Fostering regulation of natural therapies that have not been contemplated in the first phase.
- Ensuring the integrity of the profession as to discredit that other groups can make to our business and professional skills.
- Ensuring compliance with ethical principles within the profession.
About Us
Our careers at the individual level over a period of many years, our therapeutic effectiveness and the social demand for our services.
We are health professionals from different natural therapies that we believe we have the knowledge, abilities and rights to be recognized in our society.
After many months of intense work and then to reflect on our own we decided to create a federation that brings together large associations which are part to defend our interests ahead of the administration and especially to ensure the safety of our users providing confidence that our partners have the level of knowledge and skills to perform the required tasks.
Our members work in all areas of natural therapies
Chinese traditional medicine, homeopathy, naturopathy, osteopathy, Chiromassage, shiatsu, Bach flowers, kinesiology, reflexology, polarity, cranial sacral, reiki, and other breathing techniques. All guarantees, in its field, an excellent level of effectiveness.
- Guild Point Therapy Training Naturals de Catalunya
- Guild Center Assistència Therapy Naturals de Catalunya
- Therapy Association of Formadors Naturals de Catalunya
- Athanor, col de lectiu
- International association of holistic kinesiology (KHAIP)
- Association of professional acupuncture traditional china (APATC)
- Association of professional kinesiology of spain and thf
- Association of professional shiatsu (APSE)
- Spanish association of therapy polarity (AETP)
- Association of professional kinesiology and natural therapies
- Association of occupational therapists
- Independent (APTI)
- Association of Reiki (ACPREIKI)
- Association of massatgistes and therapists manuals (AMATEMA)
- Association of professionals of the center ESTEL
- Association of professional craneosacral therapy (APTCSC)
- Association of Kneipp (ACTEK)
- Association of international reiki
- FECANAT – Catalan Federation of Naturopathy
- Osteopaths of Spain (ROE)
- Samsara professionals Therapy
- Homeopathic profesionals society (HPS)
- Spanish society of classical homeopathy (SEHC)
- Society for the study and dissemination of therapy by Dr. Bach of catalonia (SEDIBAC)
- Societat d'acupuntors of Catalunya (SAC)
- Vasa aquae
What is the Guild Point of Therapy Natural Training of Catalunya “TENACAT"?
It is a grouping of schools and training of natural therapies adhering to the "Federation of Associations of Professional Therapy of Catalunya."
The objectives of this union are:
- Ensuring quality in training partners.
- Helping our partners get resources and solutions to the challenges of potential regulations, both the exercise of natural therapies and education systems and how these situations affect the collective.
- Representing this group before the administration and society in general.
What is the Guild of Center for Natural Therapy Assistència “TENACAT"?
It is a cluster center where the public deals with natural therapies, adhering to the "Federation of Associations of Professional Therapy of Catalunya – “TENACAT".
Centers, where the physical working of natural therapies has specific needs and interests, and which are not always well developed from a strictly professional. Along with the obvious defense of the interests, it is also about issues such as recommendations for improving the infrastructure, implementation of quality criteria in the treatment to the public, and many more.
What is the Association of Natural Therapies in Formadors Catalunya “TENACAT"?
It is an organization that brings together teachers of natural therapies.
The needs of teachers, the alignment of teaching with the exercise of professional practice and the need for continuous improvement in educational quality, by themselves justify the existence of this association.