JANOSH And Deepak Chopra
The first Cultural Festival in Spain continues its innovative program until July, with Barcelona in the presence of large international figures (scientists, humanists, economists, artists …) pioneers of a culture that respects the environment, social justice, peace and development within the individual.
Alambar, organizer of the festival has a long history in organizing events that are strongly committed to creating a new culture based on Individual Social Responsibility, a culture that unifies the individual with the social, the heart with the mind, internal processes with external reality.
“INSPIRA CONSCIENCIA” FESTIVAL BARCELONA 2008 aims to inspire people, connect to socially responsible companies with the public and a real creative culture. The spring-summer of this first edition of the Festival, “INSPIRA CONSCIENCIA” BARCELONA 2008, started last May 31 and June 1 with Dr. Joe Dispenza, during the month of June will have the Dutch artist Janosh and reach climax with Dr. Deepak Chopra.
Dr. Joe Dispenza, after the workshop "The origin of the disease," was acclaimed for more than five minutes by people who attended the audience Axa-Winterthur. In these two days, where we could enjoy with his presence at the Festival, Dispenza has established the foundation for how to reorganize a new mental level, how to rehearse every day a new way of thinking, doing and being to become new people.
On June 14, Janosh artist, who has presented her work twice in the head office of the United Nations in New York, will present his show "The language of the soul."
The Language of the Soul is composed of three independent superb audio-visual offering a suitable guide for anyone who wants to learn how can use the power of thoughts in an optimal way. This multimedia presentation features beautiful geometric formations, accompanied by inspirational music and texts that lead us to the big questions of life. An experience that will motivate you to express your creative ability.
This first edition of the Festival will culminate with the presence of Deepak Chopra. Dr. Chopra, considered by the magazine "Time" one of the icons of the twentieth century, we offer an inspired exploration into the world of consciousness and the mechanisms governing the intuition, creativity and synchronicity, facilitating its implementation in our daily life.
"We must create a new culture in which the power of human consciousness should become the dominant force" (Deepak Chopra)
* The term "creative culture" is a concept coined by sociologist Paul H. Ray and psychologist Sherry Anderson in "The Cultural Creatives: How 50 Million People Are Changing the World" ( "The cultural creatives: How 50 Million People Are Changing the World"), 2001. According to their estimates more than 50 million people in the U.S. and 80 million in Europe, plus a significant percentage of the population of Japan, are "Cultural Creatives."
"The language of the soul"
June 14, 2008
Palau de la Música Catalana (Palau Petit)
c / Francesc de Paula, 2. Barcelona
Hours: 12:00 had 14:00 h 16:00
19:00 h 18:00 h 21:00
MEETING WITH DR. Deepak Chopra
Exploring Consciousness "
July 12, 2008
Auditorium of the Forum (CCIB)
C / Rambla Prim, 1-17 (Forum). Barcelona
Hours: 18:00 h 21:00
has www.chopra.com