Campaign to promote Organic products

Published: 11/04/2005 - Updated: 04/01/2017

The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries advocates organic agriculture as an alternative to distinguish the production and marketing of agricultural products.

Andalucía, November 3rd, 2005. The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Isaías Pérez Saldaña, has presided over the presentation of a campaign to promote organic food to be held this month in 17 centers of the capital. In conjunction with the Association of Professional production of Andalusia, a total of 21 companies and over 25 products star in this campaign.

Milk, bread, oil, pulses, vegetables, meats, preserves, honey, wine and cosmetics are among the products in this promotion, which aims to facilitate the consumption of organic foods through reduction of prices and extending the offer. Indeed, the difficulties faced by this sector are the lack of variety of products and the high price at which reach the consumer.

Agriculture has become a high growth sector not just respecting the environment, but by the quality assurance involved. This market has experienced remarkable growth in recent years, becoming the first in Andalusia autonomous community with over 370,000 hectares and 172,100 head of cattle, accounting for 44.5% of the state of organic production.

Specifically, in the province of Granada, there are 28,747 hectares devoted to organic crops in 2004, 688 producers, 725 operators and 37 processors. Among recent highlights 11 mills, 10 central warehouses and horticultural companies, nuts, grain filling, fresh meat, among others. As for organic livestock, 9731 are registered as cattle, of which 148 belong to the beef sector, corresponding to 5832 sheep, 560 goats, 2718poultry and 473 hives.

With these data, Andalusia is in third position of provinces with the largest number of organic producers. Just ahead Cordoba and Almeria, and is followed by Huelva, Malaga, Seville, Jaén and Cádiz.

To reinforce this position of privilege, the Agriculture and Fisheries is followed with the Consortium 'Research and Training Center for Organic Agriculture and Rural Development’, located in Granada. Among the objectives of the center are, promoting organic agriculture as an engine for sustainable rural development, agricultural production alternatives to revalue the human and natural resources, to inform farmers on how to improve the environmental efficiency of its technical and economic holdings and as qualified to provide training and technical sector.

With these initiatives, the Board wishes to have a sector with great prospects, and employing methods of producing of high quality and respecting the natural environment. These considerations led to self-government in developing the Organic Agriculture plan, the first initiative of its kind to be launched in Spain. To attend the proceedings, the plan envisages a total investment of 93.8 million euros, of which public investment amounts to 69 million euros.

Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of the Andalusian

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