Birth and Christmas

Published: 12/24/2009 - Updated: 08/20/2016

Christmas means birth, and age, among other things, refers us to find a new meaning to life, to consider values that often are lost in the routine of daily life, values that are fundamental to the full realization of every human being: the fun and play, love and adventure, pleasure and imagination. How often these key aspects of our lives disappear?

Thus, Christmas is a time to reconsider the child we have forgotten, the young who we were. There's a boy and a girl inside of us, with play and adventure, curiosity and courage, passion and romance in our hearts, if he/she dies or loses any of these aspects in us, then you die a little, and life becomes something increasingly makeup or artificial, and unable to feel full no matter what we do and what we have.

Life demands more and more responsibilities and these responsibilities often require routine, and routine, in turn, calls for a fixed structure, a structure under which lags behind that inner child that still are. For any child or young person, a set routine is something boring and monotonous, terrifying the confinement to seek escape at all costs.

How many times we are so eager to get away, to escape and flee? It is important to consider these dates not only as a moment of celebration and relief passenger, but take this time to recover that child and youth who are within one, born or bring it back to our lives, do not lose sight of it, do not let stop participating in it, or we lose the very life is in our hearts.

The Inner Child

Give birth to the interior child or young within us can be an idea somewhat confusing to the adult. It is often believed to be a child is immature and capricious be someone who says and does things without thinking and requires no further calls. However, the intention is very different. Give birth to the child in an adult means that the adult should grow to the height where it can be responsible for their happiness. Growing up is an idea that appeals to many because, curiously, it is understood that grow just grabs the best of oneself freedom and adventure, in exchange for the responsibility and duty.

But give birth to the child within us is not fought in any case the responsibility is precisely to start being responsible for our happiness, you start to have the resources to give birth to those dreams that excite and pledge of the  heart, dreams are the only star that gives meaning to truly enlightened life.

Talking about dreams is like talking about happiness. If we have something in life to follow, if we lose sight of what makes our hearts to imagine, to idealize and to expect new adventures and achievements excited, then we have a dream to follow. Please have a dream to follow, stay focused on the past, seek justification for saying it because we are not happy, sue the love and affection, we are dependent for our happiness that others can give us. Follow something that excites us and become responsible for what this requires sufficient knowledge to learn to use our creative potential. Please understand that we can get what we want, then the dreams will always be a distant star, this one time affects us and leads us to where we want, the heart is not strategic position in life because we feel insecure low ability to give realization.

Give birth to our inner child is therefore equivalent to the great adventure to make us happy from a dream connected with the enthusiasm of the heart. Often this dream is about something we want deeply and we feel this is impossible or very far from any reason. For that we long to start being a possibility in our lives, we need resources, and a resource of knowledge and basic tools for helping us grow our fears and become increasingly bold, confident and strong to give birth to him/her that we truly love. If knowledge does not serve to be happy, do not help much, if is just to survive.

Why is it so important to make us happy? Where there is happiness there is no aggression or violence, or lack or limitation, and the world, with all its unpleasantness, it becomes something beautiful. And when the world becomes beautiful, it is then you have the strength and magic to begin to transform your dislikes. A heart kept and left behind cannot dump your power in life, or transform it.

Christmas is, therefore time for the birth of our child-within, the beginning of a fuller and great happiness. True, this birth can occur at any time of year, but taking into account at this time where cycles are closed and open new ones is important, may be the essential piece to a completely different twist to what we intend to create with our lives in the coming times. Ask those experiences that bring the knowledge necessary to understand more what we are is a desire that was due to ask about everyone else, because knowledge is the force that will make possible the realization of whatever we want. When you want and ask for knowledge rather than want or ask for anything in life, then you've really earned it.

About the author
  • K. Laura Garcés G

    Writer, therapist and lecturer. She is a lover of natural medicine and the power of mind and emotions in body and life. In addition, he has studied nutrition and develops appropriate diets to support this healing process.She has written more than 1500 articles in magazines in Spain and Mexico, winner of two literature contests. Linkedin.

2 Replies to “Birth and Christmas”
  • Donald says:

    It?s not Christmas but surely every day of the year could be the perfect day to feed our inner child with activities that he would enjoy and relax our body and mind, this way our life will find happiness in a easier way! And then everything seems to be better and nicer!

  • Stacy says:

    Christmas is a Christian holiday, but I do believe that there is wisdom in celebrating it, just as there is wisdom in observing days of fast in Hindu religion, or other religious ceremonies that take place around the world. You are right, it is about starting fresh, re-inventing yourself.