Natural Store and Online Magazine
You are in, a place specially designed for you. Discover in our magazine the best home remedies and beauty tips. And in our herbal shop you will find the healthiest foods, the most effective medicinal plants and the highest quality natural cosmetics.

Featured articles
Food and recipes for gastritis and nervous ulcer Gastritis is a condition that occurs primarily from eating at irregular hours, excessive consumption by [...]
Papaya diet for 10 days to flatten belly Do you want to make a very effective diet to look a stylish abdomen this [...]
Fungi in the face: treatment and secrets to heal your skin Creams, ointments, and tablets and you still cannot remove the mushrooms in your face? They [...]
Fennel and massage to naturally enlarge your breasts Fennel comes from the Umbelliferae family and is a hardy perennial herb. It can grow [...]
Care and post-operation diet (appendicitis) Appendicitis is an inflammation of the mucosa of the appendix which, when obstructed by pus, [...]
High platelets (thrombocytosis) Platelets (thrombocytes) are small cytoplasmic fragments that circulate in the blood and whose function is [...]
Nutritional Guide to regenerate myelin and maintain a healthy brain Myelin is a lipoprotein that is found in the body of vertebrates and which covers [...]
Foods and herbs to strengthen and heal kidneys The kidney's main function is to remove toxins from the body contained in the blood, [...]
Reduce swelling in the womb by natural means A flat and nice abdomen is result from strong abdominal muscles. If abdomen is a [...]
Diet and food to treat Hydrocephalus (water on the brain) Hydrocephalus is a disorder characterized by excessive accumulation of fluid in the brain. This liquid, [...]
Juice-Therapy to strengthen Pancreas The pancreas is a gland behind the stomach which is responsible for producing certain fluids [...]
Lymphocytosis Lymphocyte is a type of leukocyte (white blood cell), smaller than others, and which represent [...]
My partner is back with his ex ... why he didn’t choose me? The relationship was going well until he began to see his ex again, and unexpectedly [...]
Pancreas, Concern and Traditional Chinese Medicine In traditional Chinese medicine, the energy (Chi) flows through the body and passes through the [...]
Cellulite...? Try Mesotherapy and special diet If you suffer from cellulite and cannot find how to dissolve and eradicate it, do [...]
Flower essences, herbs, and tips to cure anxiety naturally Who has not ever felt the feeling of nervousness, insecurity or fear? The pace of [...]
Pinapple Therapy to reduce size and weight loss The pineapple is a tropical fruit that grows in countries that are in the tropics [...]
Nopal (cactus) Recipes for diabetes, obesity and skin problems The cactus is a plant with many medicinal properties. Besides being a great source of [...]
Juice Recipes to flatten abdomen If you have fat in the belly are, here are 5 recipes of juices that [...]
Tamarind Recipes Tamarind is an acid fruit with sweet flavor when ripe, it is an excellent seasoning for [...]
Anxiety (neurosis): diet and tips to naturally treat it It is mainly related to poor eating habits, as when you stay many hours without [...]
Love Triangle: Stop being the third party Perhaps the number 3 is a good number of people to have in a relationship [...]
Properties and Uses of Gelatin and Grenetina The grenetina is a food that has been used since the time of ancient Egypt [...]
Additives and Preservatives in food The preservatives or additives are organic or inorganic substances which are added to foods with [...]
8 Herbs to purify the blood Do you have any allergies? Skin Problems? Are you prone to getting sick or becoming [...]
How to prepare deodorant at home Sweating and axillary malodor are often linked, so to combat these problems we usually resort [...]
Garlic and Beauty Skin Garlic has a lot of medicinal properties for skin. Its healing elements help the skin [...]
Typhoid fever: natural nutritional guidance and advices Typhoid fever (also called enteric fever) is an infectious disease caused by bacteria called Salmonella [...]
Healthy recipes with Sweet Potato The sweet potato is a tuber with many great health benefits. It is a vegetable [...]
Horsetail: its properties and benefits This is one of the earliest wild plants, ruled the planet since the time of [...]
Baldness: Home Remedies to apply to your hair Baldness, also known as alopecia, is a problem to do with hairloss on the body. It [...]
Grape: medicinal uses and diet weight loss Grapes are a very nutritious food, as they mature, are rich in vitamins A, B, [...]
Biomanantial Magazine
In the magazine of you will find hundreds of natural remedies, you will discover alternative therapies and natural treatments for the most common diseases. You will also discover the healthiest recipes, tips and tricks of beauty, sports nutrition tips and of course the best diets and advice on dietetics to lose weight and lead a healthy life.
The human body is nourished by what surrounds it, by food, by affection, by experiences and all of this contributes to what we are.
Caring for our health and our being, it is important to enjoy a good quality of life and promote our proper development, if you want to be aware of natural and integral health news, the natural world magazine will keep you informed.
Underestimating the influence that diet can have is something we do every day, often, we select our food based on its taste and we do not consider important aspects such as nutrition.
However, the right diet can do wonders for our body, according to certain nutrients and nutritional compounds, it is possible to fight to alleviate some symptoms and prevent even diseases.
Knowing the properties of foods and what combinations can help us according to our objectives, will make us wiser when selecting the ingredients that make up our daily diet, promoting health.
Health in our life, is an end we all seek, we want to be healthy because we can enjoy the world around us.
It is true that there are situations alien to us that trigger diseases, but many times, it is possible to prevent some of them, or even remedy them, with good habits of life.
In this magazine, you can be aware of your body, how it works and the origin of the disease as well as recommendations to take care of your health in an integral way.
To confuse beauty with vanity is frequent, but it is not necessarily the same, beauty goes beyond just our appearance, it is a general reflection of a healthy body and mind and the affection that we dedicate to ourselves.
Because, it is okay to indulge, even a little and enjoy a nice mask or a massage for our feet, among many other options for our personal care.
Personal development
We can not talk about a comprehensive approach if we forget an essential part of the human being, his person. As we grow and live different experiences, we develop habits and attitudes, some of them good, others may not favor us so much, but, the truth is, we can always grow to be better every day, to generate a positive change around us .
For this reason, it is very important to internalize ourselves, know ourselves, understand the situations that surround us and all this, inviting reflection.
Magazine Mundo Natural
Our store, is the place where you can find everything you need to lead a healthier and more natural life. In you can find the largest variety of natural products at the best price. In our shop we have the widest range of herbs and medicinal plants. We have permanent offers in dietetic products and discounts in natural creams.