Published: 03/07/2013 - Updated: 11/05/2017
Author: Miriam Reyes
The pineapple is a tropical fruit that grows in countries that are in the tropics and sub-tropics. It is native to Central and South America. It belongs to the Bromeliaceae family and grows in the ground.
Pineapple production in the world is around 16 to 18 million tonnes. Several countries (e.g.Thailand, Brazil, India, Philippines and China) contribute to the total production.
Pineapple, delicious food
Pineapple is an important food that can be eaten fresh or as an ingredient in some preparation. It is composed of nutrients that are good for human health.
It is mainly consumed in slices, chunks and dice, pineapple juice, fruit salad, pineapple chips, pineapple jam, among other forms. It is also exported to other countries as a fresh product.
Pineapple contains mainly water, carbohydrates, sugars, vitamins A, C and beta carotene. It is rich in antioxidants like vitamin A and C. These antioxidants reduce oxidative damage such as that caused by free radicals and metal chelators. It also has a complex protease enzyme (bromelain).
Pineapple therapy
Pineapple is a fruit rich in fiber, and thanks to its enzyme called bromelain, it has diuretic properties, is detoxifying, helping to cleanse the body, and can activate metabolism, promoting fat burning.
Pineapple therapy is a technique developed by Gloria Hincapie, a Colombian esthetician, which is used to reduce the carvings and burn fat in specific areas of the body.
They use all parts of the pineapple from the pulp, peel and heart, there is no need to inject any products, treatments may include infusions, topical application of the fruit, and prepared. The goal is to shape the body naturally, using the beneficial properties of this fruit, being free from side effects.
Pineapple, can help reduce the sizes, stimulating fat burning, and even claims it can help tone. Bromelain, pineapple enzyme, can also help reduce inflammation.
Other medicinal uses of pineapple
Besides being considered useful to losing weight, and reducing size, this tropical fruit has been used for the treatment of various diseases through the ages.
Here are some benefits of pineapple:
Removes dead skin cells
The fruit and leaves of pineapple are also beneficial to clean the dead skin. An experiment with rats that suffered some burns showed that the enzyme in pineapple leaves can remove dead tissue burns. These enzymes continue working until regenerate healthy skin tissue.
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Choose two ripe pineapples. Remove skin, thoroughly wash, cut as necessary and then grate or prepare a juice. Drink 3 times a day. As a result, it helps reduce inflammation and fight bacteria that cause this problem.
Against constipation
Pineapple is rich in fiber, and it is digestive, so including it in your diet regularly can help to shrink the stomach area, and also to improve your digestion, putting an end to annoying constipation.
You can use half ripe pineapple, removing its skin, crush and mix with water, and strain. Add lemon juice and stir well. Rub on the scalp. Do not forget to wash, while doing this treatment. Repeat 2 or 3 times a week until dandruff disappears.
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