Published: 08/24/2012 - Updated: 02/08/2018
Author: K. Laura Garcés G
In traditional Chinese medicine, the energy (Chi) flows through the body and passes through the organs related to balance, harmony and health of the body in general. When energy is not flowing adequately or properly in the body, it generates mental blocks, which is the way we think and see life or, to put it in other words, the power of our mind.
If an organ works either poorly or exaggerated, our metabolism is altered and you should properly stimulate the meridians associated with this organ to level your energy and it can circulate properly, and normalize organ function. For this, we use acupuncture or acupressure. However, if our mind or our thoughts continue to send information to our body cells and then partially the organ recovers, but it could again become ill or lose its power if our attitude remains the same, because the attitude is the architect of the life, body and everything around us.
One way to know our thoughts is the way how we feel life. Our emotions speak in a clear and simple way of how we are thinking and modeling life. In traditional Chinese medicine, the emotion is associated with each organ and regard for the Cure is the basis of the health of the human being.
The liver, for example, is associated with anger, hatred, resentment, etc.., while the kidneys are associated with fear and anxiety. The uncontrolled euphoria or joy associated with the heart.
The Pancreas and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Pancreas is a gland or pear-shaped sac that is located in the abdomen and is about six inches long. Around are the stomach, small intestine, spleen, liver, and gallbladder. The wider end of the pancreas is called the head, the middle body is called neck and the thinner end is the tail. The pancreatic duct passes through the entire pancreas transporting pancreatic secretions to the first part of the small intestine, called duodenum.
Functions of the pancreas
This important gland of our organism has two basic functions: one endocrine and other exocrine. Exocrine cells of the pancreas are tasked to develop enzymes that help the digestive process. This release of enzymes occurs when food enters the stomach, enzymes that are released into the duodenum to aid digestion of fats, carbohydrates and proteins in food.
The endocrine function of the pancreas is where the body produces hormones or substances that circulate in the bloodstream to affect another part of the body differently. These hormones are insulin and glucagon. Insulin has the function of lowering the level of blood glucose while glucagon increases it. They work together to maintain the right balance of glucose (sugar) in the blood.
Malfunctioning pancreas
The pancreas, in traditional Chinese medicine, is associated with the spleen (spleen-pancreas), and its Earth element is due the digestion of food in which it is involved. Your best time to activate your energy is between 7 and 9 am. When the flow of energy is unbalanced, the pancreas can produce certain symptoms such as:
- Heavy body
- Swollen or distended abdomen
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Slow digestion
- Abdominal tension
- Pain in the chest
Spleen and concern
The energy of the pancreas and the spleen is upward and downward, characterized by being stabilizer. Its emotion is associated with excessive concern, since this organ is related to the aspects of intellect, mental fixation or obsession with perfectionism. When the concern is higher or constant, the person may become intolerant or emotionally isolated from others. This isolation can cause lack of sweetness in life, so people with diabetes, for example, often have a tendency to need sweetness or tenderness in their lives.
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People with a good pancreas:
- Have an adaptable and highly effective relationship with their environment.
- Analyze, synthesize and process all types of experience, information and knowledge in a convenient and suitable way.
- Real and positive people.
- Centered and eloquent people.
- The spleen is the house of logical, so it is associated with intellectual functioning and all the skills of it.
Heal the pancreas
In addition to maintaining a proper diet, low in refined or products with preservatives, etc.., consider the emotional factor and try to keep a good balance through growing intellectual knowledge, that makes us focused and confident, being able to relate to others in a harmonious way so we can assimilate the experiences of our lives. It is essential to pay attention to the love and respect for us, cultivating the spirit through a practice that helps both the energy level of the body (such as yoga, tai chi, etc.) as well as our attitude to face life.
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