Published: 05/13/2015 - Updated: 03/20/2017
Author: Miriam Reyes
During fertile years, women can develop myomas, or uterine polyps, which generally are not accompanied by any symptoms, although they could cause pain and inflammation around the menstrual cycle.
These are benign tumors and even though they are not considered to be a serious condition in the majority of cases, they could affect women’s fertility. An estimated 75% of women could develop uterine fibroids.
The discomfort, symptoms, and even the myomas or uterine fibroids, can improve and become smaller with use of natural alternatives. We do advise, however, that you consult your physician before choosing a natural solution.
Despite the fact that they are benign, myomas could develop the following symptoms, which must be evaluated
- Heavy menstrual bleeding
- Prolonged menstruation
- Menstrual cramps
- Pain during sexual relations
- Inflammation in the lower abdomen
- Myomas and their accompanying symptoms could also lead to infertility and anemia
If you have any of these symptoms, it is important that you see a professional for an evaluation and diagnosis. Ultrasounds are commonly used as a diagnostic method for detecting myomas.
Dietary Recommendations
Uterine fibroids, or myomas, have been related to a poor quality diet, which creates metabolic problems.
Avoid simple carbohydrates, like sugar, candies, industrial pastries, sodas, and more. Recommended sources of carbohydrates include whole grains like whole grain rice, whole grain pasta, and others. Fruit serve as yet another recommendable source of carbohydrates.
Eat foods rich in fiber, like produce, vegetables, fruit, the aforementioned whole grains, in addition to legumes and oily seeds, which are all good examples.
Try to reduce your consumption of fats, opting for lean foods. Avoid meat cuts that have a lot of fat, like pork, sausages, etc. Choose low-fat preparations like meals that are baked, grilled, steamed, etc.
Avoid caffeinated beverages like coffee or soft drinks with caffeine. Even some teas should be avoided, as caffeine alters the metabolism. It’s best to drink fresh water.
Conventional Treatments
Myoma treatment depends on a lot of factors, including the size of the tumor, to the individual’s age, and the severity of the symptoms. They are generally treated with contraceptive pharmaceuticals, but there are currently several different options on the market that are available.
Surgery is often times a last resort, which is generally used only when severe symptoms are associated with the myomas, or if they are considerable in size.
Natural Remedies
You can find alternative treatments for uterine polyps or myomas, which could help fight symtpoms like heavy bleeding during menstruation and cramps.
1. Dandelion: This root improves liver function and bile flow, promoting better digestion. Thanks to these effects, dandelion root is considered to be a cleanser, removing toxins and eliminating excessive estrogen. We recommend consuming it in extract form, or as a daily tea.
2. Yellow Dock Root: This extract, like dandelion, stimulates the liver, thereby promoting body cleansing. This simultaneously regulates hormone levels, like estrogen, which is recommendable for treating myomas. This extract can be used daily.
3. Castor Oil: A popular remedy for myomas, which consists in diluting castor oil in water and consuming it daily. You could also make poultices with castor oil, placing them on your abdomen.
4. Milk Thistle: Another useful plant, just like Yellow Dock Root and Dandelion Root, is Milk Thistle. This can improve liver function, promoting toxin and excessive hormone elimination, like estrogen. It can be found as an extract, although you could also use it as an infusion.
5. Beet and Carrot Juice: You should include a lot of beta carotenes and vitamin A in your diet when treating myomas. Beet and carrot juice is a good source of these vitamins. We recommend consuming it fresh, before breakfast, 5 days a week, until your myomas shrink.
6. Ginger: Ginger root can be beneficial in treating uterine myomas, as it promotes blood flow, improving circulation to the uterus. This can help reduce myomas.
Consult a Specialist
Natural alternatives can be good allies for treating uterine myomas, but it’s always a good idea to seek an expert opinion to guide you and to evaluate your particular case. Each case is different, and could require a different focus in treatment.
If your symptoms associated with myomas are very severe, you must consult a professional.
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