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Training and Exercises
Training routines and exercises to keep fit, burn fat or gain muscle mass. Tips and tricks for gymnastics and fitness. Discover the various sports, their advantages and disadvantages.The Training and Exercises are a fundamental activity that we must perform daily to keep us healthy, flexible and fit. This activity is not performed only by athletes, but all people who want to have a healthy lifestyle.
Sports training
Sports training is a process of continuous exercise, with certain objectives and to develop physical abilities and maximum performance in a sport, and it is a process of physical and technical improvement to achieve excellent results in competitions. When doing weight exercises to complement sports training in a specific sport, these must be done correctly, with the help of the coach in order to increase muscle mass and improve athletic performance.
Benefits of the Exercise
Performing exercises on a regular basis keeps us fit, healthy and prevents diseases. Exercise brings us physical but also psychological benefits. They also help us in physical rehabilitation, and in the case of children a sport helps them develop character, discipline and better performance and organization in daily activities.
The physical exercise can be of short or long duration but always generates an optimistic attitude, cheerful and personal satisfaction.
Any physical activity must be done progressively, considering the demands of the sport, talent and physical conditions before deciding the sport or to choose a training plan. The intensity and duration depends on age, experience, technical level and physical condition.
Among the physical benefits we have the improvement of endurance, increases bone density, improves flexibility, tone and strength in the muscles, and reduces the feeling of fatigue.
Among the psychological benefits are a better self-image, self-esteem, helps develop teamwork, reduces stress and tension.
It is important that physical exercise be present throughout the development of children and young people, adults and the elderly. In the case of adults and the elderly, the important thing is to stay active in the daily routine, one way of doing it is to walk. It is always important to perform warm-up and pre-stretch to avoid injury and consider proper feeding according to individual needs, and hydration during and after training.