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Dietetics has a close relationship with food, nutritional values ??and diets or nutritional requirements of people, taking into account their environment and personal characteristics, here we offer these diets and related topics for a balanced and healthy diet.Dietetics and health
Today we are surrounded by information and products, not all natural, demand better information and knowledge about dietetics and nutrition, which are part of our daily lives, as we try to feed our families with healthy and nutritious foods .
Food is the way in which we provide our bodies with the food we require daily, food is a necessary step for life. The WHO (World Health Organization) defines nutrition as the intake of food in relation to the dietary needs of the body.
According to science food and nutrition are different concepts, feeding means to provide our body with natural foods, processed or processed through different processes such as preparation and cooking, according to the environment, needs and possibilities, which provide nutrients. Of the latter is nutrition.
Nutrition takes care of all the ingested food that reaches the digestive system, where the nutritional substances of these foods are obtained and which are absorbed and transported to all the organs and tissues of our body. Not all people have the same nutritional needs, these vary throughout life, they also depend on personal aspects such as environment, climate, age, gender, height, body and weight, in addition to the activities we do every day. An example of the first case would be the nutritional needs of a pregnant woman and in the second case the nutritional needs of an athlete, in both cases will be different, so dietetics deals with the development of specific diets for each person, according to to their own nutritional requirements.
Diets and Dietetics
The word diet refers to the characteristics and quantity of food consumed each day. Diet is not the minimum calorie intake as many times you think. Dietetics seeks the most appropriate way to combine food to obtain the necessary nutrients that each person requires for the proper functioning of the body and to maintain health.