Yogurt Recipes

Published: 09/29/2008 - Updated: 05/25/2016

Yogurt is a probiotic food , i.e. contains several colonies with living microorganisms that beneficially affect our body, where one of its main advantages occur in the stomach , because due to its antimicrobial properties, cleans and inhibits proliferation of harmful bacteria, increases the body's defenses , and lactic acid content allows efficient evacuation of stomach contents, inhibiting undesirable microorganisms. The yogurt helps in positive feedback of the intestinal flora, provides a high amount of calcium and high quality protein, containing vitamins and carbohydrates.

In the kitchen, the yogurt is very versatile, and can be a very good companion to give a truly original touch meals. If you buy yogurt, always try to get of good quality, preferably organic.

Parsley Potatoes in yogurt sauce

For the potatoes 

  • 4 medium potatoes
  • A few sprigs of chives
  • Wholemeal flour ( the necessary )
  • 2 eggs
  • Salt
  • Olive oil for frying

For the yogurt sauce 

  • ½ cup of plain yogurt
  • 4 tbsp. of olive oil
  • 1 tbsp. of lemon juice
  • Parsley, well washed and finely chopped
  • Salt


  1. Wash the potatoes.
  2. Place a pan of salted water.
  3. Cook the potatoes whole with skin, for about 40 min . Approximately , or until cooked through .
  4. Once cooked , peel the potatoes and cut into thick slices.
  5. Roll each potato slice in beaten egg and then batter along with the flour.
  6. Fry the breaded potatoes in a pan with hot olive oil, until well browned .
  7. Remove them and place them on a plate with paper towels to absorb excess oil.
  8. SAUCE : To make the sauce in a bowl mix the yogurt with olive oil , lemon juice , salt and minced parsley until well blended all ingredients.
  9. To serve, place the potatoes well toasty on a platter and we toss the yogurt sauce on top.

Broccoli cream with yogurt


  • 100 grams of potatoes .
  • 100 grams of turnip.
  • 100 grams of broccoli.
  • 1 tablespoon of plain yogurt .


  1. Cook the potatoes together with the turnip for 15 minutes and washing add broccoli .
  2. Cook for 5 more minutes and beat until pureed . Cool and add the yogurt .

Vegetarian meatballs (or animal) in yogurt sauce


  • 400g of vegetarian ground beef (or animal)
  • 1 carrot, grated
  • 2 garlic cloves, chopped
  • mustard
  • cumin
  • 1 egg
  • breadcrumbs
  • salt and pepper

For the yogurt sauce 

  • 1 Greek yogurt
  • 1 small garlic
  • oil
  • pepper
  • salt and sugar


  1. In a bowl mix the meat with egg, minced garlic , grated carrot , 1 small teaspoon of mustard , 2 tablespoons of bread crumbs , a pinch of cumin, salt and pepper.
  2. Form the meat into balls the size of a walnut or so.
  3. Roll in bread crumbs and fry until golden. Set aside on a plate covered with paper towels.
  4. YOGURT SAUCE: Add the finely chopped garlic yogurt , a teaspoon of oil , a pinch of pepper , another pinch of salt and sugar .
  5. Pour a little sauce over the meatballs and serve hot.



  • 400 gr of semolina
  • 1 liter of yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons of condensed milk
  • 200 grams of brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of shredded coconut
  • Half a glass of water

For the syrup 

  • 1 cup of brown sugar
  • A glass of water
  • The juice of half a lemon


  1. Mix all ingredients and let stand about 2 hours.
  2. Pour into a greased tray, the dough has to look like with about 2 ½ inches thick.
  3. Bake in a preheated oven at 170 degrees and leave within an hour.
  4. SYRUP: Mix sugar, water and lemon . Let boil and then remove from heat when the syrup is fluffy.
  5. Let cool about 10 minutes and pour over basboussas dough, which will be pre-cut in a diamond shape.

Banana Yogurt snacks


  • 4 Ripe bananas
  • 100 Grams of flour ( or normal)
  • 3 eggs
  • 50g of brown sugar
  • 1 Banana yogurt
  • 1 On yeast
  • 50 G of margarine
  • 1 Tablespoon of cinnamon
  • grated ginger
  • To decorate: (Put in a bowl a little of each of the following ingredients and mix )
  • brown sugar
  • cinnamon
  • rolled oats, ground


  1. Beat the eggs with the sugar until they are whitish.
  2. Beat egg whites until stiff and set aside.
  3. Add to eggs , bananas , butter , cinnamon , ginger and grind everything .
  4. Remove from the blender and transfer to a bowl. Gradually add the sifted flour through a sieve and yeast, mix everything until a creamy mixture , and finally add the egg whites until stiff, with encircling movements that we are not disassembled.
  5. Put the mixture in a greased with butter and flour, and leave it at 170 degrees and 40 minutes, depending on oven each time vary .
  6. Once ready , unmold and let cool.
  7. Cut the flower mold and add the oat mixture on top.
  8. Do not cover, and do not put in the fridge with the oat mixture , it gets wet .
  9. Do not put the cooked oatmeal until you go to consume.
  10. Put the cake on a plate, garnish with cinnamon stick , and decorate the dish with prepared oatmeal.
  11. With leftover, cut squares , put in a cup or plate in a children , and bathe with the preparation of sugar, oats and cinnamon.

About the author
  • Nayeli Reyes

    Nayeli is an expert cook, with the title of Chef by the International Culinary School of Guadalajara (Mexico), where she obtained the honorable mention for her great talent and dedication. In Biomanantial.com she presents her best recipes so that we can prepare them easily.

1 Reply to “Yogurt Recipes”
  • Stacy says:

    Those banana yogurt snacks sound amazing! I also frequently make banana yogurt smoothies, add some peanut butter and you’re golden!! Recently I started taking a medication that required I get more calcium, so yogurt has been my preferred method. thanks for the ideas!!