Replacement of agricultural chemicals in Organic Agriculture in Nicaragua

Published: 09/19/2008 - Updated: 03/15/2014

Thanks to booming organic agriculture and the increase of information, farmers in Estelí, Nicaragua, have realized that the best way to lead is through the organic route to release of poisoning to humans and the environment. It has been reported recently in this town of Nicaragua, farmers seeking to establish the substitution of agrochemicals. The idea aims to answer economic, social and environmental factors.

According to Nicaraguan peasants, "The world is doomed to disappear if we continue with the use of agricultural chemicals that pollute the environment and destroy the soil ". They say the farmers of the Central Cooperative of Multiple Services-PRODECOP, that the goal is to replace all the chemicals in the next few years. They are convinced that the best way to produce must be through organic agriculture. They also claim that the wear is in the nature due to the indiscriminate handling of agrochemicals.

Training for Change

Taking the example of Nicaraguan coffee, the idea is to increase the production of organic agriculture of this product for those who produce more than 300 thousand quintals per year. Thus, the Cooperative Association of Small Coffee Producers of Nicaragua (Cafenica) ensures that it is necessary to begin by training on organic agriculture, to ensure that all producers are able in the near future to get some change of system.

In principle, small farmers acquire knowledge on the use and recycling of nutrients that are within their own farms to maximize the use of them and not depend so much on external chemicals. The idea is to use the same resources as the producers have in their farms, reduce production costs and improve or maintain quality.

This transfer to a form of organic agriculture becomes an organic option. This is the only way to defend life, expand horizons, and help in the cure of a sick environment and society. This change
raised in Nicaragua, promoting agricultural production and animal husbandry while respecting the environment and developing natural resources. It is based on diversity and work in favor of the laws of nature, healthy food to generate higher nutritional quality.

In situ Instruction 

Specialists from different countries were installed recently in a downtown Palacagüina instructing technicians and producers of Estelí, Madriz and Nueva Segovia, on ways to implement the change in agricultural practices. One of the specialists, Sebastian Pinheiro, Brazilian agronomist, said that he urges the world to make a change to an organic agriculture industry. He added: "We need to change it within the reality of Nicaraguan society. Because organic agriculture is less poisoning, we can have better quality food, environmental protection and a better economy. "

Source: R. Mora – La

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1 Reply to “Replacement of agricultural chemicals in Organic Agriculture in Nicaragua”
  • Stacy says:

    Wow, even Nicaragua is taking strides in eliminating chemicals in their organic agriculture, this is great news! Do you have any reports regarding how well these implementations are going? Sometimes it can be very hard to change an entire system, especially when we have grown so dependent on chemicals.