Organic Food: more nutrient-rich, delicious … and something more

Published: 11/06/2006 - Updated: 08/13/2019

A food is processed solar energy. It is what nature gives us to feed and, therefore, our body is ready to receive it. At the time that we interfere in their cultivation or manufacture, in non-natural substances and practices, we are unbalancing and, therefore, our body will be put in place mechanisms to protect.

Food and disease

At the time the body's tolerance threshold is exceeded, due to the unbalanced food intakethe line breaks, i.e. health. According to official data, more than 60% of degenerative diseases are associated with current food. The organic food and the methods for obtaining them, help us to counter the chances of suffering from some of these diseases.

Peter Roden, physician and president of the Section of medical Naturists College of Physicians of Barcelona, recently confirmed this fact in a press conference convened in the city to clarify the lack of relationship between this new but unofficial disease called orthorexia and the wise choice to consume balanced and non-contaminated products. According to Roden, "it is important and necessary to recognize that most diseases today are caused or at least much to do with the poor quality of food: saturated fat, sugars, chemical residues, additives, pesticides, genetically modified organisms… However, good agriculture practices which aim is to maintain the healthy product with maximum nutritional quality." And warned that "government should take into account the importance of eating healthy". Eating healthy is therefore a right and a necessity if we want to maintain our optimum health.

However, the issue concerns not only food to our health is much broader, since conversion to organic agriculture represents a radical change in the production system, a cure for our intensive agriculture and the sick environment today.

It is because organic agriculture is fundamentally respectful of the earth: no exploitation, but the products grown without aggressive or systems, with technology in the just measure, from research related to knowledge, not to marketing companies… It is also to restore the agriculture and farmers and to recognize the role they play in society. Without the field, cities do not survive. In that sense, everyone, as consumers, should give the importance of what we choose when we go to make the purchase, because with our choice, in addition to the health care of the family, we can work together to conserve natural resources of our planet, or, conversely, continue unknowingly to destroy them. Therefore, our responsibility is not enough.

Eating rice of the same bowl

Eating is an important form of social relationship. Meet to share food is a common behavior that we all human beings do. The word companion derives from the Latin word panis, which means bread. The breaking of bread together and symbolizes provides a vital social link. In Japan, a close companion is "eating rice of the same bowl."

Festivals and events are celebrated by eating in company. Therefore the social fact of the food and eating, as well as its relation to pleasure, are important events in our lives that are rooted in ancient customs.

Cuisine and folk customs associated with many factors in addition. The dishes always close relationship to the agriculture of the place, and it is related, in turn, not only with soil conditions and climate, but also with the needs of all living creatures that inhabit each place, including Of course, humans. In nature, everything is planned, so the Mediterranean diet is very good for the people of the Mediterranean, but would be unbalanced, even detrimental to the Eskimos or the Mongols, for example.

Principle of Hippocrates

In V century a.C., Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine wrote: "Let food be your medicine and medicine be thy food." In this wise precept based on observation, experimentation and common sense is just as footprint in the West.

However, it still exists in other cultures that have it, through their implementation of very effective medications, and also without side effects. Both in India and China, for example, interlocking systems of healing are very advanced and culinary expertise. The changes in diet, seeking to attain harmony of body, is part of the main treatment in Ayurvedic medicine and traditional Chinese medicine; inexhaustible source of knowledge.


However, it is unclear who will influence whom, given that these countries have become, also gastronomically speaking, targets that have been proposed absolute control of the markets. Its aim is to impose global, standardized type of food that meets a Western agribusiness to that above all interested in the control and profitability. The balance of this global plan is, as we said at the beginning: more diseases in food, and contaminated in the North and, on the other hand, most deaths from hunger and lack of food in the South. The "progress" of modern society has brought us monocultures, homogenized food, standardized diets, tastes and pleasures of designing for "hook" to all … All eating the same thing, wearing the same brands, seeing the same movies, listening to the same music … everywhere. Living in crowded cities and isolated as ever, in a society that increasingly is related less to lose and essential values by leaps and bounds.

The proposed biological culture does not go further in that direction, so revolution is a social, political and economic system rising against the dominant neoliberal.

Why organic food is the best?

There are many differences in quality and nutritional benefits of organic food with respect to non-biological. Also, there are studies that confirm a decline of many diseases among those who are fed with organic products in the same comparative conditions of life for those who are fed with products that are not.

Nutritional differences

Organic agriculture, with its development processes, offers a variety of products that contain high percentages of minerals, well above the non-biological. Consider just a few examples:

(* Mineral milliequivalents per 100 grams) *

  • Calcium: The cultivation of organic is 23 while that of the conventional only reaches 4.4. In this sense, it is entirely appropriate to emphasize that the medical community has always shown the importance of calcium for bone growth and the current prevalence of osteoporosis in women.
  • Magnesium: 59.2 versus 4.5 on conventional. Magnesium deficiency can lead to effects such as tremors, personality changes, depression, anxiety, irritability, gastro-intestinal disorders, etc.
  • Potassium: 148.3 the biological and the conventional 5.86. The absence or minimal presence of potassium in the body can cause cardiac muscle injury and even cause necrosis, as well as muscle atrophy, decrease in blood pressure, lack of appetite, irregular pulse and swelling of the abdomen.
  • Sodium: 6.5 biological and conventional cultivation 0, lack of sodium can lead to apathy and lack of energy, dizziness, lowering of blood pressure and, if of weakness, muscle spasms
  • Manganese: 68 against the only 1 in conventional. Some of the consequences of the absence of manganese are poor glucose tolerance, poor muscle coordination, dizziness or lack of body balance.
  • Iron: 1938 in Biological and only the conventional 9. Iron deficiency is well known in the classical training of anemia. Other symptoms include headache, constipation, reduced brain function, fatigue and apathy.
  • Copper: 53 in the biological and 0 in the conventional. Its lack causes anemia and disturbances in the formation of red blood cells. In cases of deficiencies of copper decreases the level of enzymes containing copper in plasma and blood cells.

Beef and dairy products

Excessive consumption of saturated fat is a cardiovascular risk factor.

There is clear evidence that the relationship between saturated and unsaturated fats in meat and milk cattle or organic breeding bio much better than that of cattle kept in stables and fed with conventional methods. Or what is the same: the cattle that are reared organically have a lower rate of saturated fats to unsaturated respect.

There is now a growing interest in conjugated linoleic acid, the CLA, a natural fat that is found in cattle, poultry and eggs.

In this regard, several studies have shown that it can help prevent cancer, reduce heart disease and help control weight. Most notable of these is that the conjugated linoleic acid levels are higher in meat and milk from cattle whose diet has a higher content of grass hay or feed stored in silos. And the mandatory standards of food biological guarantee that content.

The study conducted by Rutgers University was carried out on various products from the field and concluded that, comparatively, the vegetables grown under the current business method had 87% less minerals and trace elements that organically grown, or biologically. I.e., the consumer gets only 13% of minerals and trace elements that should be in their vegetables if they are not biological.

Nutritional differences occur in all types of food, not only in vegetables. For example, the greatest decreases the nutritional quality of bread and other cereal products made from the refining process: When the wheat is refined to white flour, it loses 50% to 96% of the content of vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Values of biological food

For over 60 years, people began to do various studies that have demonstrated that the practice of a biological food in humans has a direct impact on the decline of many diseases. The oldest known dates back to 1940:

A study conducted in New Zealand, in 1940, shows how health improves with the change to the biological food. The work was carried out in a school, serving students almost exclusively food from organic production. The result was that after 2 years, their dental health was much better, had increased resistance to bone fractures, decreased significantly the incidence of colds and flu, their convalescence was much faster and health in general was much better.

In 1974, French researchers found that breast milk contains 2 to 8 times more chlorinated pesticides that the maximum level allowed by WHO (World Health Organization) in food. When mothers in the study increased their intake of food diversity, the concentration of these residues in milk decreased.

The European Commission has drafted a preliminary list of 34 pesticides for which there is evidence or potential to have undesirable effects on the endocrine system.

The Spanish Society of Neurology corroborates this fact. In its 1999 report, said that pesticides are used very similar to the neurological effects of chemical weapons and have no cure.

Every day there are more reports about that in the treatment of cancer, it is essential to manage a diet consisting of organic food if you want good results. And this is entirely logical, as the nutritional therapy of cancer as one of its objectives to prevent pollutants and toxins. In this sense, The Nutritional Cancer Therapy Trust, through Dr. C. Aston, said in April 2001 that "the overwhelming number of patients who continued to alternative therapies for cancer is that of those who have been declared terminally ill, with a minimum life expectancy after an allopathic treatment. The ability of these patients to achieve remission of all clinical evidence of cancer is therefore very important".

Angeles Parra. General Fitness Association. Member of the CRAE (Regulatory Commission of Organic Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food).

About the author
  • Dra. Loredana Lunadei

    Dr. Loredana Lunadei is a specialist in food, dietetics and nutrition. She studied at the University of Milan where she obtained a Master in Food Science and Technology. Subsequently, she continued her studies, completing her PhD also at the University of Milan. Linkedin.