Holistic Medicine Sun Dance
Espai d' personal evolution SUN DANCE
SUN DANCE was born in 1992 in Barcelona, realizing a personal dream.
"If you wear the life, you're not happy, you must change your attitude so that everything can change and improve. For something different, we need to start doing something different. "
This is the dream of SUN DANCE, being a platform of support for that individual and collective change, so we were the first holistic entity Spain. And by tailoring the global vision of creating a school that teaches us to take our lives, our health and happiness.
But not only that, we have vision that is global or holistic and also created study groups to expand our anthropological knowledge of the world and its diversity. So besides being able to study different customs and traditions in Sun Dance that exits in the nature, we also created awareness of travel in Peru, India's North and South, to Nepal, Tibet, Thailand and the Amazon.
These trips follow the philosophy of the center of respect, tolerance and coexistence.
We have also launched a O.N.G. aid to the needy that is called "partnerships with the Indigenous World" in which we are helping girls from Nepal and the Tibetan refugee of children of India Monks.
Helen Flix Rocamora: Director
Where are we?
Holistic SUNDANCE C. Consell de Cent 282, Principal 1 ª (Balmes-Rbla. Catalonia)
TEL. (34) 934123659
Professional Information
Since the world is world, man has always sought answers to when, how and why.
Not knowing how to find solutions, it has generated diseases, war, alienation from their environment … But it has also created evolutionary pathways, diversity of thoughts, ideas and personal growth.
Holistic Sun Dance Association is formed by a team of professionals that is at your disposal to find the right solution to your problems with natural methods brought from all cultures of the world.
The definition of Holistic is the union that exists between our thoughts (mind), a reflection of them, health (body) and the balance or happiness (soul).
In Sun Dance Holistic center you can make:
Food for your mind
Our Esoteric School and personal growth with the courses and events designed for you, with selected teachers who have traveled the world for their knowledge and views.
Happiness for your soul
Thinking of all those who do not know whom to share their ideas, is the "Club of friends of SUN DANCE", conferences, lectures, excursions, trips to nature, cultural exchanges, among other activities that will fill your free time.
Balance to your body
Specialists in Natural Medicine and Complementary Gem teraphy, chromotherapy, Acupuncture, Sports and Holistic Massage, Reflexology, Lymphatic Drainage, Reiki, treatments for pain, Clinical Hypnosis and regressions among other treatments that will provide the necessary balance to your body.
Current projects
Tibetan Medicine Course
Next February in the year 2007 will begin a new cycle of Tibetan Medicine, there will be courses in massage and Tibetan Astrology Tibetan, with postgraduate courses in Tibet and Nepal.
Tour to Tibet-Nepal
In August of 2007 under the coordination of global travel in Spain Holidays and tours in Tibet is a planned trip to Nepal-Tibet knowledge of nineteen days. Visit: Kathmandu, Lhasa, Pokara, Patan and Bhaktapur.
Sponsorship to girls from Nepal
Through the NGO Maiti Nepal (Kathmandu) have sponsored 10 girls who have been prostituted. If you want to sponsor a child, the amount is 20 euros to 50 euros per month or quarter. You can visit the website www.maitinepal.org (in English) and there you will see all the details. If you want to sponsor or directly through us by calling Tel 934123659 and ask for Pedro and Luis.
Children sponsored in Gaden Monastery Sharstse
We also have sponsored ten children in the monks of Gaden Shartse Monastery in southern India in the area of refugees who are near Hubli (Mungod).