Category: Macrobiotic Food
All kinds of advice, food, recipes and particularities about the macrobiotic diet.
What is macrobiotic?
Macrobiotics is a global vision, a system of life that takes care of the ways of breathing, cooking, eating, meditating, choosing. For Apollinaire: “It is the simplest way to feed and understand medicine, it encompasses the energetic polarity yin / yang, energy gymnastics, herbs and plants, breathing techniques, meditation, acupuncture, it is a way of life, a renewal of the way of life, which includes time to rest and work, who you are with, what you eat, and a social dimension that seeks social justice. “ It’s not just about cooking, food or food, macrobiotics goes further.
Macrobiotic food considers the principle of complementarity between Yin and Yang: two “forces”, antagonistic but inseparable, that manifest themselves in everything. A philosophy that takes into account food, medicine and spirituality.
Macrobiotics is not exclusively a diet, but rather a lifestyle that helps us develop our full potential with the guidance of the laws of nature through food, the ecological, social and spiritual aspect.
The origin is the Greek word “Macro – Grande” and “Bios – Life” tells us about an essential diet, with a biological basis, to enjoy a healthy and full life, and sensitizing us to the world around us.
We are what we eat, food through the blood nourishes our cells, organs, and the brain.
History of Macrobiotic
The word Macrobiotics was already used by Greek philosophers as Hippocrates. In the eighteenth century Christoph Von Hufeland wrote a book called “Macrobiotics, the art of prolonging life” with recommendations that apply to modern macrobiotics. At the end of the 19th century, a Japanese doctor, Sagen Ishisuka, used a diet based on whole grains and vegetables to cure himself of a previously incurable disease, and founded the first macrobiotic organization, called “Sokuiokai”.
Macrobiotic Food Model
50 to 60% of the food we consume daily according to this diet should be based on whole grains such as brown rice, millet, corn, wheat, barley, rye, buckwheat, oats, couscous, bulgur, flour, bread , etc.
It includes a daily soup made of vegetables, which can include cereals, legumes, fish and also seaweed. Among them the famous miso soup (fermented soybean paste) which is very good for digestion.
A 25 to 35% are vegetables. The vegetables should be varied and cooked in different ways, some are cooked for a long time, and others barely, or raw in the form of salads. Among them we have onion, pumpkin, carrot, cabbage, turnip, broccoli, mushrooms and other mushrooms, sprouted cereals, potatoes and tomatoes.
10 to 15% of the food are legumes, and derivatives, as well as the inclusion of algae. Among them chickpea, beans, lentils, azukis, according to the region and the season of the year. Other derived products are tofu, tempeh, and seitan.