Published: 12/25/2009 - Updated: 05/24/2016
Author: Nayeli Reyes4 Comments
Umeboshi means hydrated plum; it is a kind of condiment and food of very high nutritional properties, widely used in food and Chinese and Japanese medicine. It has a strong flavor and distinctive, salty and sour, it can be taken many forms, as well as is or with Kukicha tea, or hot water. You can add as a seasoning mixed with a little water and then added either in cream, rice, salads, soups, steamed vegetables, etc.
Here are some recipes that you can enjoy and benefit from their properties.
Rice with Umeboshi
- 1 cup of brown rice, previously soaked and drained several times to wash it
- Romero
- Thyme
- 2 umeboshi plums
- Half kombu seaweed flakes finely cut into small cubes
- 2 cloves of garlic
- One tablespoon of parsley
- 2 tablespoons of leek (leaves)
- Olive Oil
- 2 flowers (pieces) of tiny sliced raw cauliflower
- Green and Black Olives
- Carrot grated
- 1 small avocado
- Lettuce
- 3 mushrooms
- 1 tablespoon of chopped seedless raisins
- Medium white stalk of celery cut
- Sauté the garlic in a saucepan with parsley and leeks.
- Add rice without water and can jump about 10 minutes. Then add water (2 cups) and plums and algae. When al dente, strain and remove the plums. We'll leave it to cool and add the remaining vegetables.
Marinated tuna with umeboshi
- 50 gr. Of umeboshi puree
- 200 gr. Of "wine" plums
- 100 gr. Of mirin
- 30 gr. of brown sugar
- 2 star anise
- 2 kaffir lime leaves.
- 10 gr. of Sichuan pepper
- 1 chopped lemongrass stalk
- 1 lime
- 150 gr. Of tuna
- 50 gr. Bonito fish flaked
- 5 gr. of toasted black sesame seeds
- 5 gr. of toasted white sesame seeds
- 20 gr. of soybean oil
- Dashi with sea urchins:
- 1 lt. of water
- 100 gr. of sake
- 1 / 3 oz of Konbu (available at Japanese markets)
- 30 gr. of bonito flakes
- 25 gr. of rice noodles
- 50 gr. Of enoki
- 30 gr. of soy sauce
- 40 gr. of sea urchins
- Sea salt, pepper
- green onions, edible flowers
- Develop a traditional dashi, when ready add rice noodles cook for 1 min. Serve in sea urchin shell, add enoki, sea urchins, green onions. Serve.
- Process umeboshi puree, plum wine, sugar, star anise, lime leaves, lime juice and zest, lemongrass, bring to boil. Cool.
- Cover the tuna with the marinade and leave in refrigerator for 24 hours.
- Mix sesame seeds with dried bonito flakes, reserve.
- Batter tuna marinated in sesame seeds and bonito flakes.
- Seal the tuna in the skillet over 1 min. on each side.
- Cut into 1.5cm slices, season. Serve.
Umeboshi wakame and tea
- 4 cups of natural water
- 1 / 2 Umeboshi of plum paste or 1 teaspoon
- 1 teaspoon of wakame seaweed
- 1 teaspoon of honey or molasses, cereal flours
- 1 teaspoon of ginger
- Put all ingredients in kettle and cover with boiling water. Let infuse for 5 minutes. Strain and drink. You can keep in the fridge to take to the gym.
- Oriental tea is a digestive, energy, nasal decongestant and helps prevent cramps exercise.
Apples with Umeboshi
- A sweet red apple
- Two umeboshi plums
- 1 banana
- ¼ cup of grape or apple juice
- Remove the apples to the middle doing a round hole
- Put them in preheated oven for 12 to 15 minutes at 200 º C
- Once baked allow to cool
- Whisk the banana with the juice to form a thick cream
- When serving put inside each apple and sprinkle with one umeboshi banana cream
Cream of corn and Umeboshi
- 2 leeks, sliced
- 1 slice thick diced squash
- 2 or 3 strips of wakame seaweed (soaked)
- 2 tablespoons of corn meal
- 1l. of Water
- 1 tablespoon of umeboshi paste,
- Olive Oil
- Sea salt
- Soak seaweed in water at least 5 minutes.
- Cut the vegetables. In the pan with some oil sauté leeks with salt, about 8 minutes. Add the squash and sauté 4 minutes. Incorporate the semolina and mix well. We took the alga with water and boil. We let simmer 15 minutes. Off.
- Dilute the umeboshi paste and crush. Serve with fresh chopped parsley.
About the author
I tried umeboshi time ago in the visit to japan and it was a different taste, very impressive and rare, so thanks for including some recipes with this ingredient, I actually don?t know where to find it but maybe if I look up a little then I can prepare exotic dishes and surprise everyone!
I like them but not as much to buy them and eat all week, just I feel like doing it but not so very often, but yet they are nice, I should try them with recipes..
What a strange little creation…umeboshi. I’m always so interested in trying how different cultures prepare their local fruits and foods, and this sounds really interesting. Sometimes I go to the oriental markets and stores just so I can see all the cool things they carry. I’ve found some pretty tasty foods that you could never find in an American market!