Published: 01/22/2007 - Updated: 08/14/2019
Author: Miriam Reyes2 Comments
Developed in 1920 by physical trainer Joseph H. Pilates, the Pilates Method is an exercise system focused on improving flexibility and strength of body build in volume.
What is the aim of Pilates?
The Pilates Method is not just exercise, but consists of a series of controlled movements to join body and mind. The method finds the strength, flexibility and toning of the great muscle groups, without forgetting the small muscles.
What is Pilates?
A body balanced by Pilates exercises is, feels and works differently. It strengthens the body without creating unnecessary column pain, toning and getting a flat abdomen. Correcting posture, helping the proverbial postural and this in turn reduces the pain of neck and back, not only for toning muscles of the abdomen, buttocks and back but also by raising awareness on issues such as posture, breathing or balance.
Recommended for all who want to improve their flexibility, agility and economy. Also to improve back pain and strengthen the muscles within the thoracic spine. The results are quickly in the first meeting and you feel that the muscles are working. There is a famous phrase of Joseph Pilates on the effectiveness of the approach: "In ten sessions you will feel the difference, in twenty sessions you'll see the difference and in thirty sessions you will change your body."
About the author
I am very interested in following a nice and quick exercise routine but I am not really sure about my decision, now reading this you have gave me a great idea and I think I am opting for pilates, at least for a while and see if I can feel, see and change everything I want!
Pilates really is wonderful, and very effective! I think it actually does a better job at toning the body, and for getting a good workout, than yoga. Yoga can be a very intense workout, but I feel like it is more gentle, and focuses more on stretching, while pilates focuses on strength.