Published: 12/10/2008 - Updated: 09/24/2018
Author: Jorgelina Reyente3 Comments
Today, both men and women have given a vital importance to the shape of the buttocks. There is talk of having "ugly buttocks, flat butt" or "flaccid buttocks". However, we know that the best to tighten, tone and lift the buttocks is the exercise.
How to tone your butt
If gymnastics do not convince you, there are machines or treatments that may be your solution. For example there is an electrical device of high technology, together with a powerful computer is a great ally to combat flabby buttocks. This device has a different intensity and number of programs to choose from, depending on the case and the problems addressed. The first results are beginning to be seen from the third or fourth meeting.
But now we are going to talk about the most important: The Exercises
Before you start please note the following tips:
- Perform exercises slowly, controlled and untapped " inertia ", it is better to do little but well done to finish a series without doing it incorrectly.
- Try to do the exercises on a thin mattress in order to properly do the exercises with more comfort.
- To note the improvement need to make physical exercises at least 3 times a week. Remember that the results will be closely linked to your record.
- You can intensify the work of putting some exercises with ankle weights of 1.5 to 3 pounds each.
- After performing these exercises is important to perform stretching relevant to this muscle group.
- Series begins at 20 and rising, small beam rebounds for each leg if necessary.
Buttocks Exercises to tone
Bank position
Please bank position on elbows and knees, right leg high, bent foot by the ankle, pointing to the right.
Must keep your right leg to the left, in a movement parallel to the ground, while the left buttock and shrinks resistance. The hips should not yield to the action of the leg and move but kept still. Repeat and change of leg. Try breathing Rhythmicity.
Put to four feet above the mat and raise your right leg, keeping it bent at an angle of 90 degrees and move it upward until it aligns with the body. Repeat the same operation and going down the leg on. During the exercise, maintain the hip and back completely straight.
Four-legged 2
Put to four feet above the mat and raise your right leg, keeping it bent at an angle of 90 degrees. This time, the leg goes up the side until it aligns with the body. During the exercise maintain the hip and back completely straight.
Lying on the floor
Lying on the floor put the body on the right side and put one leg over the other slightly bent forward at an angle of 90 degrees. Stretch your body into the ground laterally and lift the left leg up without changing the degree of flexion. Throughout the exercise
try to take the back straight and head lying on the arm.
8 rebounds with three replications for each small leg. Try to keep the leg up for 3 days with a small rebound until the fourth time that the leg is lowered back to repeat the exercise. (4 times: 3 and keep one leg lifted off)
Lying on the floor II
Lying on the floor put the body on the right side and put one leg over the other slightly bent forward as to improve stability. Stretch your body into the ground laterally and flex your left leg running knee toward your chest. Next, the leg fully stretched diagonally like you're giving a kick in the air. Throughout the exercise try to take the back straight and head lying on the arm. In this case is increasing the amount of exercise and keep up the leg and go diagonally making small circles in the air with each leg.
Lifting pelvis
Lying on the floor face up, place the arms alongside the body. Put your legs bent at an intermediate distance from the buttocks. To make the exercise just have to tighten the buttocks and lift the pelvis until the only thing that is in contact with the ground is the upper back and feet that act as support.
About the author
Good article, nice way of improving the buttocks which is an important part in any women or men, and I surely know that, so I am going to try this routine since tomorrow to surprise my husband with a good pair of buttocks so thank you very much!
Which one is the best option when you are dealing with cellulite? in the buttocks I mean, and this has been like these for more or less a year, since my child was born, please answer me if you can…… I am having so much trouble to get rid of it with just creams 🙁
I have found that the best exercise for the butt (and also for the legs) is unquestionably cycling!!! When I was cycling in college I had the best musculature of my life, and it thins out the fat in your body too. If you want nice glutes, cycling is key too!