Published: 11/29/2016 - Updated: 03/19/2018
Author: Miriam Reyes
A marathon consists of a race of 42 kilometers and represents a challenge for our physical condition, however, due to the physical requirement we should not take a marathon lightly, it is advisable a training and preparation of months prior.
Check your Health Status
Before participating in any race or marathon it is advisable to go to your doctor to perform a general checkup, it is very important to know our previous health and it is advisable to discuss your plans to run with your doctor. For this, it is important to have good health insurance.
Choose the right equipment
Comfort may be the last thing we consider when exercising, however, the right equipment can help us improve our performance and also prevent possible injuries.
Look for proper running shoes, and the right clothing can help you feel cool and comfortable during the race.
Perform shorter runs
A marathon is a long race, however, before running such amount of kilometers it is highly recommended to run smaller races. Training of course, you should start with smaller goals.
Start with short runs of 5 or 10 kilometers, and as you gain condition, you can participate in half marathons.
Investigate where the race will be
It is not the same to run under the extenuating sun, to run in rain or a cold climate, the different conditions can affect our results especially if they take us by surprise.
Knowing the site, the route, and the weather conditions can give us an idea of ??what situations we are going to face in the race and try to make our training consider these variables to avoid surprises.
Training time
Gaining status and improving your stamina is not something that can be achieved overnight, especially if you are a person who does not perform regular physical activity, try to plan and perform your training months in advance.
It is advisable to dedicate a training time of four to five days a week although it seems tempting to train every day of the week, you should know that is not the most advisable, as exhaustion can play against you.
It is recommended to run races of 8 to 10 kilometers during our workouts, if you start, you can set smaller goals.
Physical and mental training
Running is not everything in a marathon, neither is speed because resistance is an aspect that we must develop, it is important to take care of the wear while running, if you have a very fast pace it is possible that you exhaust quickly and that you can not To finish the race in the desired time, you must learn to know your body and its limitations.
The training and previous races will be useful so that you know the rhythm with which you must start, maintain and finish the race.
Certainly having condition and being prepared to run is indispensable, but never underestimate the benefits of a good stretch before running.
Spend time on a stretching routine to prepare your ankles, knees and running body, and stretching helps reduce the risk of injury.
Strengthens your abdomen and legs
Try to include in your training routines exercises to strengthen your legs and abdomen, maintaining a healthy body and good support is essential for your performance when it comes to running.
You can spend a day of your workouts to run downhill and uphill, this way you will help improve the strength in your legs.
Lastly, it is also advisable that as you gain condition you make runs longer than 25 kilometers, to know your condition and to test supplements and moisturizing drinks.
You may think that resting is contradictory but no, the body needs a recovery time in which it strengthens, so it is important not to train every day, try to spend about two days at rest. Also, make sure you are sleeping the time required for your body.
Nutrition for a Marathon
A healthy diet is advisable for any athlete, however, you should know that running carries a significant caloric expenditure so a diet rich in carbohydrates is important.
Make sure your diet includes high quality biological proteins and plant foods.
Some symptoms that could indicate nutritional deficiencies are fatigue, dizziness, weakness, hair loss, so if you are experiencing symptoms as such, it is advisable to consult a sports nutritionist and evaluate the supplementation together.
Food before running: It is advised to take food before running but not in abundance, you should try to include foods rich in carbohydrates and fat, peanut butter and toast or an energy bar, are good examples, however, should be consumed preferably around Of two hours before participating in the race. Running on an empty stomach can cause fatigue, but running on a full stomach can cause stomach upset or cramping.
Food after Running: Taking a small food after running either in your training or after the official race can help you avoid muscle stiffness and reduce pain following physical activity.
During the race: It will be convenient to evaluate the consumption of energy gels during the race to contribute to a better performance and combat fatigue, remember to try all the supplements and foods you are going to ingest in training and the day of the race, avoid changing your food or Change your routine.
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