Published: 03/08/2009 - Updated: 02/20/2014
Author: Jorgelina Reyente2 Comments
We all know the importance of aerobic exercise to improve our quality of life. However, many people find it difficult to choose the appropriate activity.
That is why today we will talk about Aerobox, the technique based on the training of boxers. The Aerobox offers a stronger alternative to specialized and traditional aerobics. Their intense aerobic work makes earn fast in muscle strength and flexibility. If you want to get in shape quickly and your lifestyle does not allow you to make sport of long duration, the Aerobox offers a very complete and easy to combine with your daily life.
Among its main features we can say that:
- It has a high degree of motivation for the person who practices and dynamic aerobic routine work. Improves muscle tone throughout the body.
- It is a first approach to self-defense.
- Before you start taking classes, you should know that is a mix between boxing and aerobics that arises in the United States with the aim to provide value added to the aerobic exercise and improve the benefits of their practice.
Aerobox class
At a Aerobox works the whole body from different exercises that combine punches and kicks of kickboxing, combined with aerobic activity. It's quick repetition, implying a strong discharge of energy and, as usual, are made to the music.
One more interesting is that during a class you can lose between 600 and 800 calories. The caloric expenditure is clearly superior to that achieved with aerobic normal practice because it intensifies the pace and add the discharge of energy produced during the beating and kicking.
If you think you'll have a fight in the ring, that’s wrong!
We're not talking about a contact sport. Aerobox In all exercises are performed as an aesthetic movement, where the mark is in the air. However, these sessions allow many times, practice bags and other materials specific to the training kickboxing.
A class is developed in three distinct parts:
- 1st – warming, is from 5 to 10 minutes early. This stage aims at entry into heat and begins preparing the body for physical work in good condition.
- 2nd – work, 30 to 35 minutes: This is the stage at which the physical effort. Based on original choreography will be adding exercises both arms and legs through repetitions of high intensity. At this stage there are also floor exercises to work muscle groups (abdomen and buttocks).
- 3 – Stretching, 10 to 15 minutes late: This phase is devoted to relax the body and mind through the realization of a set of stretching. In kickboxing, the elasticity of the fighter is a key feature to perform the movements with precision and ease. Correspondingly, the elasticity Aerobox considered as an element to improve the fitness of a person and a dedicated space to improve the elasticity body. This feature has also been adopted by the Aerobox stretches where it is working with more emphasis on improving the overall elasticity.
Ultimately, Aerobox is one of the most comprehensive training that can be practiced in the gym.
- Its practice involves a significant expenditure of calories, burn fat and tightens the muscles of legs, arms and abdomen quickly.
- Improved muscular explosiveness and reaction time to stimuli.
- This is a very complete sport that allows move all parts of body.
- Aerobic base improves lung capacity, blood flow and strengthens the heart.
- Increases elasticity body.
- It's perfect for releasing the energy and accumulated stress.
- Provides basic knowledge of self defense.
- Its practice is easy from the first day since the movements are proposing simple and easy to learn.
How is a routine exercise of Aerobox?
The meeting itself is divided into two phases, the technique which combines elements of boxing and martial arts and cardiovascular exercises in running simple aerobics, fitness and abdominal. Among which are the jumps, turns, kicks and blows of the fist in the air. Controlling the pulsations and toning muscle, as it is in continuous motion.
Will be added to the classes, exercises your legs and arms through high repetitions effort. It also works especially abdomen and buttocks.
The exercises that are performed are:
- Abs: placed face up with your back straight resting on the mat. Place your heels on a chair. Both hands must be on the neck and elbows must be open to raise the trunk and re-download.
- Glutes: Lying face up with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Extend your arms on both sides of the body. Lift your hips and thighs. Descend slowly. Make 8 to 10 repetitions to start. Place on all fours on the floor. Inspire and lift the leg with the knee bent. Keep the position for a few seconds and expire. Perform this exercise at least three times at first and then add weight.
- Kicks: Front kick is practiced, circular, descending into hook, pivot, turn and jump.
- Fist blows: We use direct blows with fis ts, crossed in hook downward and upward rotation. The movements are the same as those used in boxing. Hands should be protected with boxing gloves.
Exercises are conducted at the end of elongation and relaxation of muscles to avoid injury.
Keep in mind
- To achieve results it is recommended practice 3 times a week.
- Follow the monitor allows you to perform the movements correctly.
- Drinking water during the meeting will offset the loss of fluid from the body.
- Although the sport is aimed at people of all ages, inot recommended for people with hypertension, cardiovascular problems or other physical injuries that may be affected by the aerobic activity.
About the author
Amazing sport, never heard about it but sound like a good idea if you want to train yourself and in this way reduce weight and improve your line, I think I am going to find a place to do it, recommend me one if you can, and thanks for sharing this, I love trying new sport techniques to improve my body and welfare.
Interesting. I’ve never heard of this sport, but I know in Oregon where we used to live, a lot of the hispanic population that lived there was really serious into boxing. I’m sure that this sport is extremely exhausting, but I just don’t think it would really be something I would like. It sounds a little aggressive…