Published: 12/01/2015 - Updated: 05/29/2016
Author: K. Laura Garcés G
When talking about alkalinity, we’re talking about a certain pH range that foods and even liquids in the body have. They should be mostly alkaline in order for the body to be healthy.
In order to measure pH, a scale from 1 to 14 is used. A pH of 7 is considered neutral. Anything lower than this is said to be acidic in pH, and anything higher is said to be alkaline.
Blood, for example, has a pH of approximately 7.35. When blood is highly acidic the body becomes weak and falls ill. If this is not corrected it could create severe health problems, as this indicates excessive toxins being circulated.
How does the blood become acidic?
- Acidic pH is caused by consuming foods that acidify the blood, like certain acidic foods.
- Having lots of stress.
- Frequent and constant emotions, like depression, anger, anxiety, etc., which create severe bodily stress. This prevents nutrients from foods consumed from being used properly, and also prevents toxins from being evacuated.
- Absorbing certain toxic elements in the environment, contamination, exposure to harmful substances.
- Mineral deficiencies. Minerals balance out accumulated acid in cells. This could cause an imbalance in pH levels, and creates harmful consequences if not corrected in time.
Alkaline foods help keep blood and body pH healthy. If you don’t eat alkaline foods, it will create a bodily imbalance that will lead to:
- Poor absorption of important nutrients.
- The body will not dislodge harmful substances, like heavy metals, efficiently.
- Reduces energy in cells.
- Cellular repair or regeneration becomes slow and weakened.
- One becomes more prone to developing tumor cells.
- The individual will feel very fatigued, constantly tired, sleepy or depressed.
Did you know that even with a slightly acidic pH in the body, like 6.9 could cause drastic diseases and even death?
There are three dietary errors that cause acidosis in the blood and body:
- Animal products (milk, eggs, meat, sausages, ham, hotdogs, etc.) are one of the main products that, if eaten in excess or poorly combined, will increase toxin circulation, and will therefore acidify pH.
- White flour, refined sugar, and other products: sugary bread, cookies, pastries, soda, alcoholic drinks, coffee, sugary chocolate, etc. There are more foods, however, that will acidify the blood.
- Using chemical or artificial sweeteners will truly create a lot of toxins in the body, that will throw it out of balance and will damage it: Nutra Sweet, Splenda, Spoonful, etc. All of these chemicals sweeteners form particles that are very acidic in the body.
What is an effective and healthy diet?
Your diet should consist of 75% alkaline foods and 25% acidic foods.
You’re already familiar, or have heard of most of the foods that are alkaline.
- Fresh fruits and vegetables, but you should be careful to choose organic produce so that they don’t contain fertilizers, chemicals, additives, hormones and more. You will consume these chemicals if the food is not prepared properly.
- Nuts, dehydrated fruit, herbs and infusions help greatly and keeping pH levels healthy.
- If eating animal meat: keep in mind that meat, milk, eggs and other animal products should also be organic. Did you know that the majority of chicken sold in stores was raised in cages where they never saw the sun? They’re tied down and injected with hormones to gain weight. Sometimes they inject them with so many hormones that their legs break. Not only is this animal cruelty, but all of those chemicals that were injected are then passed on to the person that eats it, which creates acidic particles.
If you’re sick, weak, and are experiencing symptoms that you don’t know where they came from, change your diet! Eat a lot of alkaline foods.
Here’s a list of foods that will help you recover health, energy and your mood:
- Main alkaline fruits and vegetables: alfalfa, aloe, lemon, pineapple, celery, cucumber, garlic, onion, carrots, prickly pear, broccoli, beets, barley, radishes, sea weed, sprouts, berries, tomatoes.
- Main alkaline herbs: dandelion, chamomile, mint, barley tea, nettle, lemon tea, bay leaf.
- Alkaline fruits: avocado, papaya, pineapple, berries (all berries) strawberries, blueberries, grapes, lemon, orange, peaches, mandarins, watermelon, cantaloupe and bananas.
- Alkaline proteins: almonds, peanuts, millet, tofu, kefir, fresh sour cream.
- Other alkaline foods and products: pollen, probiotics, various vegetables juices, all sorts of sprouts, amaranth, magnesium chloride.
Keep in mind:
Foods have a very different pH after they have been eaten, and after the nutrients have been extracted. For example: when eating a lemon, which is acidic, it becomes alkaline in the body. On the other hand, meat is alkaline outside of the body, but once consumed, digested, and absorbed, it leaves highly acidic and harmful residue.
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