Published: 02/10/2011 - Updated: 07/22/2016
Author: K. Laura Garcés G
This nutrition guide is for people with cancer, especially for people who are exposed to chemical treatments, chemotherapy and drugs; it will help to treat this disease. Remember that chemical treatments and medications can help control the cancer, but the real cure is a deep change in habits of life and food.
The naturopathic and homeopathic doctor, Julio Quiroz, says that if you want to cure cancer you have to put on a strict diet, taking only some foods and eliminating completely certain products. The diet to eradicate the cancer is choosing one fruit and eating it for 7 days with two liters of pure water. This is the only thing you should eat and drink, but you can eat as much fruit as you want, no limit, the key is to eat only this fruit for 7 days.
Once the person has done this week of purification, she/he must then add gradually (slowly) certain products and eliminate others from the daily diet, she/he should do it until heals.
It should be noted that in cases of severe or long treatments with chemicals and medications, alterations in the metabolism of fats and proteins may have resulted in the person, which may have affected the muscle volume. This case will require a lot of determination by being concerned about a real and deep healing through food.
Avoid this food:
All animal and dairy products: meats, sausages, fried and all the junk. Besides, you must avoid sugar or refined flour and derivatives such as soft drinks, soda, cookies, etc. In many diets for people with cancer, these foods has priority because they are calorie and contain protein, which helps patients who need to increase muscle mass and increase energy due to the consumption of drugs for the treatment. However, these products only clog the body's healing ability, irritating the nervous system and clogging the intestines of toxins. If you want to really increase energy and protein level is necessary to include quality proteins and NO refined sugars and starches in the diet.
Consume this food:
Fresh vegetables, fruits (very energetic, healthy and nutritious, their sugars are high quality), whole grains, vegetable milk, fish, vegetable oils, chicken and turkey.
Food to help eliminate the cancer:
Garlic: ideal healing properties to help treat almost every disease; it is an excellent natural antibiotic, regenerating and regulating cellular functions, microbicide, disinfectant, decongestant and toning of the pituitary gland.
Soursop: it has been recently found that soursop has anonacina, a compound that may have anti-cancer effects.
Fresh vegetables and whole grains: provide the body with energy, nutrients and, especially, high quality fiber, help keep the gut in excellent condition and improve the quality of the blood and body fluids. Broccoli, carrot, cabbage, cauliflower, alfalfa, tomato and onion should not miss in your diet.
Extra virgin Olive oil: contains a phenol which prevents tumor growth.
Antioxidants: help revitalize and regenerate damaged and diseased cells. Some foods rich in antioxidants are grapes, citrus and acidic fruits, pepper, apple seeds, aloe, cranberry, lemon, garlic, goji berries, seaweed, oranges, red tomatoes, etc.
Diet for people with cancer (to follow after the cleansing diet)
NOTE: If you feel discomfort such as diarrhea or stomach pain, etc., during this diet, take it as normal, there is something called a healing crisis which occurs when the body is healing and thoroughly debugged, and somehow seems worsening everything but actually is healing.
FASTING: take a garlic clove with a glass of warm water. If this is the first time you take garlic, do it with only half clove of garlic.
BREAKFAST: start with some fruit like pineapple, guava, papaya, orange, etc. (Preferably a citrus or acidic, or papaya) Pick a fruit and keep taking this fruit for breakfast for a week. After breakfast, wait 20 minutes and then eat breakfast like wheat toast, unsweetened yogurt (preferably homemade), almond or soy milk, oat and honey wheat bread, or a vegetarian sandwich with tomato, add a tablespoon of olive oil, avocado, lettuce, fresh cheese, oregano and olives if you like. Don’t use irritants such as mayonnaise, mustard or pickled peppers.
BEFORE NOON: (as at 11), drink a glass of fresh carrot juice with a sprig of celery and alfalfa, drink right away so the vegetables do not lose their vitamins. You can vary the vegetables each day. Do not add any salt, lemon or sweetener, drink naturally. Two or three times a week, use aloe and cactus juice.
FOOD: choose a cooked dish and a salad. For example: grilled fish with steamed vegetables (avoid cooking a lot) or fresh salad, miso soup or salad, rice with vegetables or salad, or pasta with vegetables. Don’t eat red meat, cook chicken only once a week, do not use cream, cheeses, salted, and refined pasta or bread. Avoid sausages or fried food, if you eat fish or chicken, prepare it grilled or steamed.
AFTERNOON: (like 5 or 6 pm) Eat blueberries, grapes, strawberries or any antioxidant food. Remember not combining fruit with any other food.
DINNER: Whole bread, some soup or broth with healthy foods, a plate of rice, sandwich, etc.
BEFORE SLEEP: (1 hour after dinner), eat an apple.
WATER: Drink at least 2 liters a day.
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