Published: 12/27/2008 - Updated: 06/07/2016
Author: Jorgelina Reyente1 Comments
Fervent walkers, trained runner and some who have not decided between one activity or another, filling squares, parks and gyms with their relentless step. Some do it by a personal trainer while many others are joining groups coordinated by health centers. However, the vast majority risk the adventure alone in trying to beat the sedentary life, and, incidentally, burning calories, toning muscles and feeling better.
What are the consequences? A lot of people ignore if are doing movements correctly, if they chose appropriate footwear, which is the best way to elongate, or even if the body is capable of practicing the discipline. While the warning must be personal, because there are those who benefit most with an activity to another, shedding light on some key points of these exercises can help to dispel doubts and make wise decisions.
Time and frequency
According to the Institute for Aerobic Research, the minimum amount of moderate effort is recommended:
- For women: 3200 meters (3 km and 200 m) in 30 minutes or less, 3 days a week, or 3200 meters in 30/40 minutes 5 to 6 times per week.
- For men: 3200 meters (3 km and 200 m) in 27 minutes or less, 3 days a week, or 3200 meters in 30/ 40 minutes from 6 to 7 times per week.
For a high physical effort (run or walk fast) the recommendations are:
- For women: 3200 meters walking in 30 minutes 5 to 6 days per week or 3200 meters running for 20 or 24 minutes, 4 times a week.
- For men: 4000 meters walking (4 km) over 38 minutes between 6 and 7 times per week or 3200 meters running in 20 minutes or less, 4 to 5 times per week.
Both in running and walking, specialists recommend hydrating before, during and after physical activity, both with water and isotonic drinks (between 250 and 500 ml min) .
Important: you do not have to wait to be thirsty to drink water. It is essential to drink fluids constantly because the thirst means that the body is starting to get dehydrated and should not delay the intake. If the train is before eight o'clock, after breakfast do the activity, but do not to go with empty stomach, a yogurt drink, a glass of water or orange juice beforehand.
If you're walking or running in the morning, before breakfast, avoid the digestion of milk as is slow.
Recommendation: please allow 50 minutes between breakfast and physical activity to avoid gastric problems.
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Tips: if you do not have enough time to wait that long, take a fruit juice. Eat some nuts that require only 20 minutes of digestion. If you take the lunch out of the sedentary, do not forget to eat a fruit (banana, apple, orange or kiwi) or dried fruits and a half hour earlier (mid-morning). Just after you finish training you can enjoy a delicious lunch.
- It is important to wear comfortable shoes to avoid unwanted effects. Before you choose, check that you have extra-flexible outsole, good damping (especially in the heel), a support surface and an arched appropriate breathable air to stop the movement and release odors and moisture to keep the foot dry.
- For both disciplines, seek varying circuits from time to time, such as stairs, climbs or descents.
- Never start in cold. Warm and effort before the session ends with a period of not less than 5 or 10 minutes back to calm, including elongation of the muscle groups worked. Note: Do not confuse warming with stretch. Do not ever stretch before starting the activity, because it can hurt you.
- By stretching, you should feel tension in the muscles, but no pain. Pain is a sign that you are demanding too much on your body. Hold each stretch for 10 to 15 seconds.
- Wear lightweight, breathable fabrics and soft colors. If you do activity outdoors, do not forget to use sunscreen more than 30.
- While the indicated time of day to train is dependent on the biological clock of each one, try to avoid high midday temperatures. If you like go running or walking at night, after making a kind of yoga, stretching, meditation or even swim to relax and unwind.
- Avoid asphalt, especially if you're a beginner. It is a very hard surface that can damage your muscles and joints. Prefer tracks of land for parks.
- While from a medical point of view is more measurable and repeatable running or walking on a treadmill, you cannot compare the benefits of physical activity outdoors, where the oxygenation is purer. Furthermore, the landscape does, in many cases, that time passes faster.
About the author
I enjoy both running and walking, although I have to say that while I’m young, I will continue to run more than walk. I understand that running takes quite the toll on the body, however, and plan on walking more when I’m older.