Published: 08/11/2005 - Updated: 08/11/2018
Author: Miriam Reyes3 Comments
Accumulation of fat is very common in our society. It is not easy to burn it. But with a proper combination of diet, exercise and supplementation, we can achieve it.
The lipid metabolism
Burning fat is not an easy process. Fats or lipids are essential nutrients for human life. They are the body's energy reserves, helping to keep the vital organs be in place and protecting them from the blows, also serve as insulation against temperature changes remaining stable.
Digestion of fat: by eating foods rich in these, fats are digested by enzymes called lipases, going to smaller units called fatty acids and monoglycerides.
In the intestine, a few hours after eating, the short-chain fatty acids spend half the blood directly, but the long-chain fatty acids need to be transported by an enzyme called lipase. In blood, the fatty acids can be distributed according to need, well into the muscles, liver, or stored for times of fasting.
Saving reservations: when you remain inactive to decrease energy demands, the fats and carbohydrates consumed in excess are converted into fatty acids in the liver and stored as triglycerides and phospholipids in adipocyte reserve of the tissues or muscles in the form of intramuscular droplets.
The muscle of the athlete: Within the muscle there is also fat, especially in the trained muscle, although it seems a lie. In the muscle tissues of athletes can be found in fat droplets near mitochondria to provide fuel rapidly during training.
The more training at low intensity, the greater the amount of oil droplets available for energy, which increase muscular endurance.
Emptying the tanks: When you need extra energy, fatty acids are "burn" or oxidize in a process called lipolysis. There are two strategies to mobilize the fat out of their reserve deposits:
- The first is that fasting triggers the release of fatty acids from adipose tissue for burn and provide energy to the tissues to sustain life without food. Of course, it is not a recommended method, as it is much more healthy and responsible following the second method.
- The exercise because the physical activity uses the fatty acids as the main source of energy for muscle tissue, even when available glucose and glycogen storage. With physical activity, you not only prevent health problems, but the results are noticeable in the mirror.
Why is it so difficult to burn fat?
Fat reserve is a natural and survival function. The metabolism of living beings have evolved over centuries to achieve the maximum amount of fat reserves, which allows insurance to survive times of famine or food shortages.
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In the 5000 years of human evolution, the problem has been how to store fat reserves and prevent the thinning. However, in the last 50 years, a small part of the world population is the problem, when trying to lose fat and prevent obesity and associated diseases.
The reason is that until now there was never such abundance of food energy at your fingertips. Since that there are supermarkets, hamburger restaurants and available food to anyone with a credit card. To enjoy a good jam, your grandparents had to plant grain, crop, harvest, feed the pig for a year, and when came the day of the massacre, distributed between the children, grandchildren and nephews who lived in the house and get to last until next year. In short, the fat did not give weight much.
It is difficult to fight a natural selective advantage. Despite the diet and training, many athletes, mostly women, were found to accumulate fat in areas of the body almost impossible to remove.
Tips to end with the fat
Here are 9 tips to lose fat without losing your head:
- Care for your calories. Follow a balanced diet of between 1,500 and 1,800 calories. If you want to burn fat, it is necessary to control the diet not exceeding more than 2,000 calories.
- Get resistant to burn. Regular training of the resistance, i.e. low intensity for more than forty minutes, increases the ability of muscles to use fat as an energy source and to reduce deposits.
- Vary your diet. Do not eat the same foods every day. The lipid metabolism requires additional full of vitamins, minerals and amino acids needed to operate efficiently, ensure a varied diet.
- Do not consume less of 1,500 calories. If you reduce calories, you decrease your basal metabolic rate and get the opposite effect: saving stored fat, but eat less each time because your body is put on alert status and receives so little reserve instead of burning it.
- Train on an empty stomach. The best time is early morning before breakfast: the lack of energy reserves of glycogen, accelerating the path of burning fat for energy.
- Form a good muscle mass. Do not forget to make two or three hours a week of fitness because the muscle tissue increases your basal metabolism and promotes weight loss.
- Feed with healthy proteins. The amino acids that make up protein-rich foods have a stimulating effect on metabolism and involved in the elimination of fats.
- Do not take food after 8:00 pm. At night the body is preparing to rest and slow down the engine, so it burns fewer calories than during the day. If your schedule does not allow you to dinner before, try to leave at least give two hours of digestion before going to sleep.
- Be consistent. Do not leave a month to accelerate your metabolism to burn fat reserve is not achieved within a few weeks. You need to create new training and dietary supplements that can work effectively.
Dietary supplements and fat burners
While all foods contain calories, some help burn some calories in the body and stimulate the accumulation of fat. This is because foods rich in fat are added more easily to body fat, since the body is very easy this conversion, where only 3% of wasted energy in fat, while converting carbohydrates into fat spends 23% of calories.
These are known worldwide as fat-burners, this new generation of nutrients helps the body to activate the process of burning fat. While these catalysts lipotropic (fat mobilizing) is found in foods, they tend not to get your body in good condition and in sufficient quantities, either by poor quality of farmland due to chemical fertilizers or by the existence of an associated condition that prevents proper absorption of these valuable substances through the daily diet.
Fat burners used are: L-carnitine, the hill (or vitamin B7), and inositol.
Source: Sport Life Magazine
About the author
quemar grasa abdominal
Para quemar grasa abdominal primero que todo deben hacer una reestructuración a sus sus dietas, no se trata de aguantar hambre sino de saberse alimentar, una buena alimentación podría constituirse de 4 a 6 comidas al día.
Y segundo una buena rutina de entrenamiento físico, pero esta debe ser a base de fuerza y potencia, ya que la manera más fácil y rápida de quemar grasa es desarrollar musculo delgado para que este reemplace la grasa que vas quemando cada día. Una vez desarrollas musculo delgado tu cuerpo se convertirá en una maquina quemadora de grasa ya que el musculo necesita energía y esta será tomada de la grasa que tengas almacenada.
Estos entrenamientos de fuerza y potencia no se deben realizar todos los días, debes descansar entre 1 a 3 días entre cada entrenamiento.
Gracias al sistema que he venido siguiendo por unos meses he logrado bajar 19 kilos de grasa y la mayoría localizada en el abdomen que era donde más tenía.
The habits have changed a lot during the last centuries and now just like the article says, we have food everywhere when other people are starving for just a piece of bread, we get hamburgers with triple meat and things like that, how can this even be possible?, we have to change that!
Hmm. Interesting article. And interesting comments. It’s so true, that diet and exercise are just fundamentally important. Interesting information about the Lipid metabolism though. The tips of things to do or things to avoid, however, I’m sure are not 100% applicable to everyone. I think we should also emphasize the importance of each person understanding how unique and individual their bodies are, and how we need to respect that in order to reach perfect health.