Published: 04/30/2011 - Updated: 08/09/2019
Author: Prof. Dr. Luis Ruiz-García
Sweating is a natural body reaction that occurs throughout the body, but is concentrated in areas where there are more sweat glands like the armpits, soles of the feet, palms of the hands and face. The glandular secretion, which is a mixture of water, salts, urea and amino acids, has excretory functions, regulating body temperature and protective functions.
The average person sweats when performs agitated physical activity, under stress, anxiety, disease or because of overweight.
However, when sweating exceeds normal levels and is often excessive and persistent, it becomes a problem that can be met by natural means. Here is list of the herbal and home remedies to help control and treat this problem.
Herbal treatments to control excessive sweating
Green tea water: boil a liter of water with four green tea bags for a quarter of an hour. Then, wash your feet with this water. Let the acids of tea act as astringents and controllers of sweating.
Foot baths with sage: prepare with 2 tablespoons of sage and some boiling water infused with sage. Turn off the heat after boiling 3 minutes and let stand until cool to cover container. Strain and put in a tub where you can dip your feet. Immerse in the tea as hot as you can, and leave them there for a few minutes. Then, wash the feet with cold water and dry them. Rub aloe cream to keep them soft.
You can also take the sage tea: add a teaspoon of sage to a cup of boiling water. Let stand a few minutes and strain. Drink a cup twenty minutes after you've eaten or dined. Sage is a very effective remedy to help regulate hormones and promote good circulation.
Infusions to relax
Excessive sweating may be due to excessive stress, anxiety, nervousness, etc. We recommend relaxing and drinking herbal tea of orange blossom, peppermint, passionflower, linden, valerian, dill or lettuce. All these herbs have natural calming and sedative properties.
Walnut Leaves: walnut leaves have astringent and antiseptic properties which help the natural regulation of sweat. To make use of them, boil two tablespoons of walnut leaves in a pint of water. Boil for 5 minutes, then turn off the heat and let stand until warm up. Drain and dip in this infusion a gauze or cloth, put the cloth under your armpits, feet, etc. This remedy works well for excessive sweating in the armpits.
Horsetail: prepare infusion by mixing one tablespoon in a cup of water. Boil by 5 minutes, let stand to cool and strain. Add a few drops of vinegar and apply with cotton in the armpits and feet as a deodorant.
Vinegar and water: A popular remedy is to take 10 ml of apple cider vinegar dissolved in 20 ml of pure water.
It is recommended to mix the vinegar with water and drink it in the morning. If you feel hungry, you should not eat, wait to at least half hour and then, eat fruit or whole grain breakfast.
Natural and effective deodorants in controlling sweat
Horsetail and orange peels deodorant: Put two tablespoons of horsetail and the fresh skin of two oranges in a glass of boiling water. Put your hands over the steam from this infusion.
Salt, lemon and orange peel Deodorant: Use two fresh orange rind and three fresh lemons peel. Boil in a liter of water for 3 minutes, let stand for two more minutes off the heat and strain. Put the tea in the bath tub with half a kilo of salt and three tablespoons of baking soda. Add water to your bath at 38 ° C, and soak for ten or fifteen minutes. This bath helps to eliminate toxins, and perfumes the body controlling sweating during the following days.
Vinegar and rosemary deodorant: Very effective for combating and controlling excessive sweating. It is prepared by boiling in a cup of water two tablespoons of rosemary for 15 minutes. Let stand until cool. Strain and mix with half cup of vinegar. Dip a cotton ball or clean cloth in this water and wet armpits with this mixture.
Eucalyptus water: Very effective in controlling perspiration on your hands. It is prepared with two fists of eucalyptus leaves in a liter of pure water. Boil over medium heat for two minutes and then let stand a few minutes. Drain and wash hands whenever needed with this water.
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