Published: 11/02/2005 - Updated: 08/09/2019
Author: Prof. Dr. Luis Ruiz-García
"Learning to distinguish, but especially how to use the different plants is important to choose the one that suits us.”
You can use a single plant or several, as the use we take. To know what we need and how to mix them (or not), we must know something about them.
For the combination of herbs, there are certain rules. The knowledge of such mixtures enables the alleviation or cure of various ailments no harm to another part of the body. It is better to go to our board of herbal confidence.
Mixtures typically include an herb-based formula, specifically for the condition to be treated, and other contributing to achieve the desired effect, and in some cases, allow correct the bitter or unpleasant taste of certain medicinal plants.
According to the aim pursued by the use of herbal medicine, it is important to distinguish the various modes of preparation and both internal and external application.
Internal use
Decoction or herbal tea: It is used especially to those facilities that are not easily shed their active ingredients. Get a handful of grass, dried or fresh, in a container, and about a cup of water. It brings to a boil for the time indicated in each case and heat. Filter and can be sweetened with honey or brown sugar. Preparing the decoction in the day-glazed containers is preferable, and should be kept in a cool place. The usual dose is one teaspoon of coffee per cup of water.
Infusion: This is undoubtedly the most used and simple to prepare a medicinal herb. Pour boiling water on the plant, placed in a suitable container, porcelain, clay or glass, cover and let stand 5 to 10 minutes to absorb. Filter and can be sweetened with honey or brown sugar. May be around 12 hours. In summer, you should save it in the fridge. In case of heat, it should be avoided.
Syrup: This is a concentrated decoction or infusion, which adds a 50% honey-that amount and toning properties or brown sugar. Heat the mixture to simmer for facilitating the dissolution of the sugar and stir, avoiding boiling. They are recommended for children and persons of delicate palate because of its high concentration of sugar hides the bad taste of some herbs.
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Saps or juices: Prepared with the fresh plant, crushing in a mortar can be used-electric-mixer and filters. All contain the active ingredients, especially vitamins, without degrading. Must be taken in small doses, it can be somewhat heavy and can be cut with water.
Maceration: Suitable for plants whose essences are sensitive to heat or contain large amounts of volatile oils. It consists of submerging a handful of the plant-root, stem, fruit water, around 12 hours. Heat and then gets slightly. Through this process all the active extract of an herb at room temperature appear. Solvent can be water, alcohol, oil, vinegar or wine.
External use
Bathrooms: This consists in the partial or total immersion of the body in water, which add up preparations of medicinal plants or concentrated infusion – or essences. These are used as relaxants, sedatives, tonic, emollient … and take meals half an hour before or 3 hours after. The usual dose is two tablespoons per two liters of water.
Seat: It was poured into a large basin with water to cover the lower abdomen, one or two liters of liquid. The legs and upper body should be off the water. Usually taken cold or lukewarm when looking for a toning effect, while in the abdominal spasms, anal fissures and hemorrhoids must avoid hot. Its duration must be less than 3 minutes if water is cold, and may reach 10 if the water is warm or hot. It is advisable to take it every three days, renewing the water every time.
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Hand: hand baths desirable to improve the blood circulation in the upper extremities, water should be taken warm or something hot, and are made by pouring a liter of fluid in the water enough to cover the hands. Immersed for 5 or 10 minutes several times a day.
Foot: The foot baths are taken hot and are useful to relieve headaches and improve circulation in the legs; also fight sweat and Sabayon. These are made by pouring a liter of fluid in the water enough to cover the feet. Immersed for 5 or 10 minutes several times a day.
Cataplasm: Indicated for pain and inflammation, abscesses, rheumatism, gout, cramps, nerve pain, colds and respiratory problems. The plant is ground and adds water, or infusion of the herb. This seed is mixed with flour, bran or clay, which are often the basis of cataplasm. Heat the preparation without boiling, until thick and is wrapped in a cloth. Apply it in the area to be treated, avoiding excessive temperatures to not cause burns, and cover with a little wool to keep warm. If the treatment area is inflamed, the poultice should be applied cold.
Collyria: Used to treat disorders of the eyes or eyelids. It is recommended infusions with previously boiled water at least 5 minutes, or decoctions, to enhance their sterility. Be somewhat concentrated, otherwise it would be irritating, applied at room temperature and slip well.
Compresses: Used to bruising and strokes, they offer the same advantages as ointments, which added, in general, the curative effect of heat, but can also apply warm or cold. To prepare, impregnate a piece of gauze or flannel in the liquid-infusion preparation, decoction or juice, drain and place on the affected skin area, between 5 and 10 minutes, depending on the plant. Should be applied several times a day. Some herbs may stain the skin, the color returns to normal friction with lemon juice.
Enema: the liquid infusion or decoction of a low body temperature and concentrated is introduced through the anus into the large intestine. This uses a rubber irrigator. Its administration requires taking some precautions: using oil or Vaseline to introduce the tip of the irrigator, not raising the container containing the liquid to prevent excessive pressure from no more than three can be applied daily and in no case later than meals, and should place the patient on his right side and with legs shrunk. The usual dose is one big spoonful per liter of water. The liquid must be retained for 5 to 10 minutes. Should not be administered in case of intestinal bleeding or inflammation, matrix or rectum, as well as in the case of appendicitis.
Mouthwash: This is moving in your mouth a sip of infusion or decoction, which should not be ingested, for a minute, from 5 to 10 times a day.
Developments: Prepare one or two liters of concentrated decoction or infusion, or by adding the quantity of water from 5 to 10 drops of essence. In the liquid at the maximum temperature that can resist dipping a cotton cloth or towel. Drain and use as compresses, but with a dry cloth underneath to protect the skin and covering it with a blanket to conserve heat. When the cloth begins to cool, again soak in hot liquid. After 15 or 20 minutes, conclude with a friction of cold water over the affected area. Indicated in case of arthritis, lung congestion, kidney or liver pain and lumbago.
Gargling: It is getting a sip of warm light infusion into your mouth without swallowing. With the head back and the fluid in the throat, we try to deliver the letter for a minute. We split the liquid and the process is repeated between 5 and 10 times. The usual dose is one teaspoon of coffee per cup of water, boil for one minute.
Extracted from Health plant by plant. Practical Herbacedary
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