Published: 07/28/2010 - Updated: 05/26/2016
Author: K. Laura Garcés G3 Comments
Yes. We know that the tummy tuck is cosmetic surgery that is performed in the abdomen, and is a complex surgical procedure to reconstruct the abdominal wall, which consists of several stages. This surgery involves removing excess skin and tightening of abdominal wall muscles eventually to achieve abdominal remodeling, giving shape to the waist, the trunk of the body and belly.
In short, this surgery attempts to remove the "fat rolls" in the waist and back, especially the lumbar area, as well as leather bags hanging in the abdominal area, which distort the picture and do not let this to be slender. Usually people who are overweight or morbidly obese resort to this surgery, and therefore, take into account that obesity is not only aesthetic but is a health problem.
This intervention requires a team of professionals, true. But you should know that you can also do the same at home .. Yes! And you don’t have to pay doctors to go that far. No. It is special and natural treatment to be able to do what the surgeons can and has many more advantages in the long run that will really surprise you. But first, look at the advantages observed between surgery in the operating room and treatment at home, so you can decide:
Advantages and disadvantages of abdominal surgery
- Fast, and can remove fat from your body.
- Help you improve your self-image.
- After the operation you need to rest more than a month, and during the three months that follow, you must be careful not to carry heavy things or embrace, a situation that will not let you do your work routine, which becomes problematic when you're mom and with young children to attend.
- Some women are not wholly satisfied with the figure that remained.
- Rolls of fat can re-form, even when the feeding is changed.
- It leaves a scar.
- Massive weight loss does not allow the adaptation of tissues in the area, and as they are not used to having "less fat", causes the tissue to hang very nasty, moreover, can generate a lot of stretch marks.
- If you perform this operation, you cannot get pregnant again and have to take care all the time you do not get pregnant. You may finish your pregnancy, although the deformity of the abdomen could affect the baby.
Advantages and disadvantages of home treatment
- Gradually reduce your weight and do not have to stand or anything like that, but you can still do normal activities.
- The results depend on your patience and will, of course, but if you use this process to develop, the results will be lasting and do not be afraid of the rolls of fat or gaining weight again. This treatment considers the whole person, treating the body with dignity and respect, and that is the root cause which causes overweight.
- You will not have any scar or reversible effects. It doesn’t harm your skin or tissue or produce any injuries.
- It is a slower process and requires your will and patience, which can be turned to advantage, as you may have read.
What is the natural treatment?
It consists of three basis points, which you must perform for six months. Only six months to start seeing results, even if you can see them before continuing.
FIRST: Get clay and rub your body completely with it two times a week, especially the abdominal area, back and belly. If you don’t have clay, you can use sugar or even if you live near the beach, use the sand of the sea. This is important to help give strength to tissues when excess weight begins to disappear. After applying the clay and wash, give a massage with your hands gently pinching the areas where you accumulated more fat. Then, give every day five or ten minutes of tapping (with your fists closed) in the area of the abdomen, while cons. Excellent exercise for the area of the intestines and to begin to shape the stomach.
THE SECOND: maybe you're sick of diets and all those things you have heard all the time. However, the difference between "cut" your body and cure is undoubtedly the food. We know how difficult it is for some people to change their eating habits. So we'll give you three things that are essential to do in these six months, without “staving to death”. This kind of diet re-educate your body to begin to function with less calories and debugging fat.
- MORNING: fasting, daily drink the juice of 2 lemons dissolved in warm water. Do not eat anything for an hour and then drink a cup of green tea. This is essential for the fat and toxins begin the process of detachment. Breakfast apples, grapes or oranges. Choose a fruit and eat all you want and a cup or two of oats without sugar (can use honey.)
- MIDDLE MORNING: take another cup of unsweetened green tea with nothing.
- FOOD: (must be after one in the afternoon): Eat what you like! The only rule is do not take anything but fresh food, no fruit, no sweets, no soda or anything sugary, and include a vegetable juice with your meal.
- AFTERNOON: From the fruit you picked in the morning, eat all you want, and a cup of unsweetened oatmeal.
- NIGHT: a cup of green tea and a piece of bread (not white) or soft toast, and put cheese on top, cottage cheese or tofu. You can add a few slices of avocado. Do not eat anything sweet at this time.
THE THIRD: you have to help your body burn fat through movement, bone, exercise. Are you too lazy? Well, maybe yes. But you can start with this fun exercise. Go for a walk in the park and lift the leaves of the trees, crouch and stand up, supporting your strength in the abdomen every time I get up, trying not to bend your back or knees. Do this for ten minutes, do that first forward and then try to pick them up leaning on one side and the other (without bending the back and maintaining your abdomen tense). If you do not want to do this at the park, catch things that are on the floor of your home such as toys, shoes, etc. You must do this for 20 minutes or whenever you find something. Once you get used to, collect things that weigh a little more like thick books. You won’t find any better advice to burn the rolls of the back and waist, not even in the Gym.
If you follow this, you will see that, even though you are a lot overweight, it will decrease gradually.
About the author
Hey, I had this kind of surgery a month ago and I was wondering if I can do activities now, because I need to work and other things, I love sport and doing exercise so I need it, and well maybe you can tell me if following a good diet like this one after the surgery you have more chances of a quick recovery, well that all I hope you can answer me
Didn’t know there was a version of the surgery at home, but yet it’s not the same, actually it is just the same diet that you recommend over and over, so nothing new
I am a huge proponent of diet and exercise. If you can stick to anything seriously, it will bring good health, happiness for the achievement and discipline, and of course, the aesthetic results as well. Eat a healthy diet and exercise every day, to some degree of intensity, it’s no magic cure but it works.