Published: 03/22/2008 - Updated: 08/14/2019
Author: Miriam Reyes2 Comments
We see fabulous bodies on the beach or in the movies that are as much the result of a persistent patience, focused attention on a beautiful body and a willingness to surrender to the pleasure of many and food habits. It is the result of someone who has chosen a wonderful body and that its priorities are, above all, physical activity for this purpose.
A beautiful body is a privilege earned with will. True. However, all bodies are beautiful. A famous sculptor listened carefully when people admired his beautiful sculptures and asked, "How is that you achieved such beauty?" And then he very calmly and wisely responded: "Actually the beauty was there, I just remove the rest". This sculptor named Michelangelo, a great connoisseur of beauty. Here you have 4 essential steps to get a perfect body:
The beauty is there. All bodies have it, which means that beauty is often not shining or hide, because is the result of many wrong habits and a languid attitude towards life. A sculpted body is attractive, especially with love and respect. A perfect body is one that is built from a culture of love for oneself rather than rejection of oneself. It is not like saying "I want a beautiful body because I want more." "I want a beautiful body to love me." The intention to work with your body is crucial, because derived from the great result here. If one tries to build a beautiful body from a refusal which has, in the end could achieve the body beautiful, true, but if the fund is in person is still with rejection and lack respect for itself, the body does not serve a lot. It would seem then when we see a car brand new and latest model run through the streets and all the girls see that. And when we come to see who drives the car, we find a being who is not attractive at all. The attraction of the car does not match the appeal of him driving. So, when we do things for us with love and respect, then we not only win a "perfect body", but we lead the body to better way.
Diet and Exercise
Choosing a healthy diet and exercise is almost an obligation. There are now many effective diets. It is difficult to say that diet is for you because it depends on many things. But what if something fundamental truth is that if you're building a body you love, you begin to eliminate many foods that are not beneficial and only carry fat and toxins. These foods include refined sugar, alcohol, dairy products derived from animals, meats and fried products. It is necessary, on the other hand, that youl increase consumption of all that is raw and plants. This will keep your body clean and, especially, began to lose weight. Stay away from diets that promise quick results. On the other hand, begin an exercise routine, especially do not neglect the area of the abdomen, where fat tends to accumulate and where the muscles can become weak and fallen. Exercise is essential for your body is well oxygenated. Aerobic exercises (high impact) are excellent for maintaining health and youth.
Masks, baths, skin
The beauty of the body not only involves diet, exercise and a loving intention, but it is also consenting to the body in many ways to answer this as favorable as possible. The masks for hair and skin are very necessary al least once a week, helping to nourish skin and hair. An ideal mask to the skin is made with two tablespoons of plain yogurt, two tablespoons of honey and crushed papaya. Spread in the face, neck and hands, as helps keep skin nourished and thriving. The same can be done with hair, apply a mask of avocado with a little yogurt and olive oil at least once a week to have a thick hair.
Tension and relaxation
Try to sleep well. A tense and poorly rested body cannot look beautiful. If you have insomnia, it is because you may need in the day time to be with you and think about what makes you feel bad or good. A time to be alone with you and give attention to what you're worried about, is something that should be taken. If this is your work, you can opt for some practices to help you get in touch with you and help you relax. Yoga, Tai Chi, a session of reiki, massage, etc., are some ways you can relieve tension and go for a while learning to be with you.
About the author
The beauty is the mind and you can find yourself beautiful if you know that you are working to be a better person and of course to be healthier, so then you will be very confident if for example you start doing an exercise or plating a sport and changing the habits like stopping smoking, etc
Have you ever heard that phrase that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”? I completely agree with that, and this article does a good job of pointing that out. What we perceive as beauty is just a reflection of how we are inside, so when we say that something is beautiful, it means that in front of that thing, we feel beauty at that moment. Some people are more capable of that than others.