Published: 03/04/2014 - Updated: 01/24/2016
Author: K. Laura Garcés G
If you are tired of all of the different remedies, have already tried almost everything available to heal your gastritis or colitis, and it is still affecting you, here you can find one of the most effective, simple and affordable alternatives to heal yourself.
Gastritis and colitis are common diseases in these times and have diverse causes including stress or constant and prolonged anxiety, a careless diet, low consumption of pure water, a high intake of refined foods (sugar, pastries, soft drinks, candies, etc.). Symptoms often vary, depending on the intensity or severity of the illness, but the most common ones include: pain and bloating, gas, poor digestion of food, as well as pain in the stomach and stomach reflux .
Enzymatic treatment with oils and papaya
If you really want to heal yourself and are tired of having some or all of the above described symptoms, here is a super effective enzyme diet consisting of base oils and papaya, which contains many properties for treating illnesses and diseases of the digestive system, especially within the stomach and intestines.
During ripening, papaya fruit concentrates a lot of digestive enzymes which help not only to better digest food, but to assimilate nutrients and toxic waste which are evacuated with great efficiency. In addition, papaya contains powerful anti-inflammatory properties that help to shrink your colon and gastric flora, plus their reparative tissue enzymes act as healing substances for damaged cells and help to rejuvenate the entire digestive system. Moreover, enzyme oils provide the body with a special lubrication that keeps all cells healthy, rebuilds diseased tissues and brings a lot of energy and vigor to the body in general.
How does treatment with papaya enzyme and oils heal gastritis and colitis?
This treatment will avoid consuming pills or drugs that eventually can damage your body and wear out both the kidneys and intestinal lining. Nature has everything you need to heal: If you put in effort and participate, in a few days you will already begin to note changes in your stomach.
Take two tablespoons of extra- virgin olive oil (preferably cold-pressed) for daily fasting, which contains a lot of healing enzymes for your digestive system. Once you take these tablespoons, drink a glass of warm immediately, adding a few drops of lemon. Lemon is a very nutritious food source for curing these conditions. Keep in mind that lemon turns alkaline (loses its acidity) as it enters the body.
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Once you take the oil with warm water, let it rest in your stomach for at least half an hour and then eat a big plate of papaya. It should be ripe and sweet, as this is when it has most medicinal properties to treat colitis, gastritis and even stomach infections. Eat the papaya fresh and on its own (do not mix with other fruits) to take advantage of its many healing properties.
Wait at least an hour and a half after eating the papaya and then you can eat what you like, but avoid all refined flour and sugar, cow's milk in any form and red meat. I recommend a tasty salad or a veggie sandwich on wholemeal bread. If you include these kinds of wheatsprouts, it will give a healthy boost to your diet and you will see amazing results. Try seasoning the bread with cold-pressed avocado oil.
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Here vegetable broths, salads with steamed vegetables, grilled fish and / or lentils, beans, chickpeas, wheat pasta and soups are recommended. The key, when or after you eat food, is to drink a glass of warm water with a squeeze of lemon, and this time try to eat a whole avocado.
Here we recommend semi-cooked apple salad with pear and agave syrup. If you are hungry eat semi-cooked oatmeal with brown bread, or vegetarian sandwich with seeds and fresh cheese or cottage cheese.
NOTE: You should drink at least two litres of water a day, as a main cause of gastritis is a lack of water in the body.
How long should I do the diet?
Follow this diet for twenty days at least, but a few more days is better for your stomach. Continue the diet until the minimum 20 days are fulfilled and your stomach is restored. It is important that once you fulfill the diet, try to keep taking the papaya, olive oil and water daily to maintain balance in your diet.
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