Published: 12/03/2005 - Updated: 08/13/2019
Author: Miriam Reyes
After many months exposed to the sun's rays, it is offered at the height of winter as a juicy gift of vitamins and minerals that strengthens the defenses.
Oranges in the diet should include everyone, but especially those who are low in defenses and are more prone to colds, flu-like processes, respiratory allergies or herpes infection. Are antiviral and antibacterial, and neutralize the action of free radicals.
Orange is also recommended for people with anemia and young women suffering from heavy periods, as their vitamin C promotes iron absorption.
The pectin in oranges helps lower cholesterol levels in the blood. Recent scientific studies, made from compounds isolated from the bark of the orange-flavones polymethoxylated, have given better results in reducing LDL cholesterol that some of the drugs prescribed for it, with the advantage that has no side effects.
Oranges act as a buffer to relieve stomach and intestinal spasms, stomach and slow digestion, heavy or dyspepsia, carminative and are who they are likely to have gas, bloating and flatulence. As it is slightly laxative, it also helps with constipation.
For its richness in magnesium, which thins the blood and prevents clots from forming, protects the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Taking Oranges regularly is also recommended to prevent varicose veins and hemorrhoids, protect blood vessels and promote good circulation.
Its high potassium content makes them suitable for high blood pressure, and as a source of vitamin C and calcium, these are well suited to protect bones and teeth. It is strongly recommended to strengthen joints and reduce inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.
Oranges favor the elimination of uric acid through the urine and are cleansing. Prevent the formation of kidney stones and urinary tract infections such as cystitis. They are very useful for people with arthritis and gout. Furthermore, by stimulating the cleansing functions of the liver and kidneys, and low calorific value, are valid for weight loss.
In heavy smokers it is recommended, because its rich vitamin C may offset the loss of reserves of this vitamin that snuff causes.
By its antioxidant effect, some scientific studies linking regular consumption of oranges with the possibility of reducing the risk of developing certain cancers, including colon and stomach.
Oranges such as citrus, have their point of acidity. Taking them in excess can involve problems if you are prone to suffer from heartburn, and the same acidity can have adverse effects on dental plaque.
Orange is rich in easily absorbed sugars. So it's excellent for outdoor sports: hiking, cycling, distance running … Moreover, not only is well tolerated by diabetics, but also recommended.
In the table
The best way to enjoy the aroma and delicacy of the orange is taking it raw, or on juice.
The grated orange peel can replace the lemon in many recipes such as custards, milk pudding, etc.
The segments can be added to salad with watercress, endive, beets, red onion, lettuce, endive and other fruits. When cooking, whether it is sweet desserts as savory dishes, you can spice with cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, tarragon etc. Combine well with dark chocolate and carob, and are essential to the salad, which give juiciness and texture and to help other fruits such as bananas do not blacken.
Source: Journal CuerpoMente
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