Published: 10/05/2012 - Updated: 05/12/2019
Author: Miriam Reyes2 Comments
Do you want to gain muscle mass, but do not want to use a supplement? Don’t worry, you can do it with an adequate diet. Even supplements are mostly made up of the same nutrients that the diet can provide us, only in greater proportion than the usual we consume.
List of foods for gaining muscle mass
Now, I will present a list of foods that can help us to achieve our goal of gaining muscle mass.
Sunflower seeds
They are high in protein, providing us 25 grams per 100g and they are a great little snack.
Another name for soybeans. Is a good source of protein, they also provide us carbohydrates. They contain all the essential amino acids and are a complete protein. But animal proteins are best for people who make a diet higher in protein, and lower in carbohydrates.
Olive Oil
The type of fat in olive oilis monounsaturated and healthy to help prevent muscle breakdown and protects joints.
It is rich in protein and a good supply of vitamin B12.
They are cheap and high in protein, fat and vitamin D, which is essential for maintaining healthy muscle tissue. One of the best foods for athlete's diet and generally for all.
You might think that it doesn’t give us nutrients. However, caffeine improves endurance muscle relieving pain.
They are a rich source of protein and omega 3 fatty acids. In addition, they provide us with a good supply of calcium.
It contains curcumin, a substance that promotes muscle growth and repair. You can use it to prepare chicken curry, and enjoy its benefits.
Organic whole milk
If you are looking to increase weight, you probably don’t need defatted milk. However, try to include it in your diet carefully.
Because of its properties, ginger is one of the natural ways to relieve muscle pain while doing physical exertion.
Organic beef
There is nothing better than animal protein to feed and build our muscles; the meat should be from cows fed with organic pastures, as their quality is better.
Foods, like yogurt, can be of vital importance, as it helps to increase and maintain good intestinal flora, which translates as a good protein digestion.
It's a quite nutritious grain. It also gives us a complete protein and is rich in carbohydrates, which help us to performance physical activity. Besides, it is a good supply of fiber to our body.
Ricotta cheese
In general, dairy products are suitable for the diet of those looking to gain muscle mass. Ricotta cheese is made from protein of the whey; of course, it helps to grow muscle mass.
There are many reasons to eat broccoli, not only for those looking to gain muscle. They have a good amount of fiber and they are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, like vitamin C.
It is a paste made from sesame seeds; which is rich in zinc, mineral that plays a role in cell growth and protein synthesis.
It contains silica, which is a component of connective tissue. Cucumbers can be included in the diet through salads, and they provide us with water.
The fat in almonds is pretty healthy, and they provide protein and magnesium components, that favor the development of muscle.
It contains “papain”, a substance that helps break down the protein and ingest easily usable compounds.
Wheat germ
Because of its chromium content, it improves glucose consumption by muscle cells.
They are almost 65% protein. It might be useful for vegetarians and vegans. Also is a rich supply of vitamins and minerals needed for physical performance.
You must not forget that water is a nutrient that plays an important role in nutrition and life of everyone. Remember that a drinking water, aids digestion, and maximize the effectiveness of creatine monohydrate.
Did you know?
Creatine is a substance that appear in most supplements to gain muscle mass. However, it is present in our foods, such as meat and fish; so it's no chemical. It is a nutrient that we get through diet. Simply, it is difficult to eat the enough amounts recommended to gain muscle mass.
About the author
Hi This article is perfect for me? I?m a vegan and I?m against chemical supplements, but I really want to gain more muscles, I think I?m looking very skinny, I don?t like that! Well I?ll try to consume some of these foods for a couple of weeks and to see what happens. I hope to feel healthier as well.
Oh yes, excellent suggestions. These are great foods, and some of them will definitely be new to me! Thanks so much for the suggestions, next would be a little recipe book with creative ways to prepare them. Although I’m pretty sure a salad is a classic go-to for all the solid foods (not the water…) ha.