Published: 03/06/2014 - Updated: 01/24/2016
Author: S.M. Aiquipa4 Comments
Resorting to permanent make-up is a good option for women who have little time to get ready in the morning. If you are thinking about having a permanent procedure done, for example to line your lips, paint or draw on your eyebrows, you should approach this sector of the beauty industry with caution, because although these procedures can be very good and help save time in our morning routine, you must first of all know whose hands your own beauty and health are in.
Besides thinking about the outline model that best fits you, you need to think for a moment about some of the conditions and if they may cause you injury with permanent makeup.
How is the procedure done?
Permanent make-up is done through needles, similar to the process for skin tattoos, that lasts from 2-3 hours. The application of the dye or pigment is in the upper layer of the dermis, so over the years it will vanish.
The specialist will begin by cleaning the surface, laying guides and defining the shape your eyebrows (or other lines) will eventually take. To avoid pain, a topical anesthetic is used.
It is normally applied in the delineation of lips, eyes (upper and lower eyelids), eyelash enhancer, full color lips and eyebrows.
Favorite Candidates
You're a strong candidate for this procedure if you have:
- A busy lifestyle and very little time to keep applying make-up.
- If you do not know how to apply your make-up properly and quite often spill your make-up products.
- If you are allergic to mascara.
- If you suffer from alopecia
- If you spend a lot of time in the pool and enjoy water sports where you are unable to conserve your make-up.
Searching for an experienced specialist
If you are already determined and have answered 'YES' to one or some of the above criteria, you must take precautions. Although the art of permanent micro-pigmentation is fashionable, you can bathe, wash and use make-up remover, however permanent make-up will stay put. You can even go to the sauna, pool or beach without problems, you do not have to touch up or re-apply your make-up at any time.
Permanent cosmetics should be applied by a trained specialist who has all the experience and proper equipment.
In order to do this, you must verify that the center will offer all guarantees to safeguard your health.
Failure regarding required health measures can cause inflammation for several days and this can be exacerbated by an infection, bearing in mind that eye and lip areas are very delicate.
For example, if the equipment, instruments or the direct contact needles are not sterilised, you can get infections such as hepatitis and skin infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus.
According to the FDA (The US Governamental Food and Drug Agency), several reports have been received of some make-up pigments that can cause allergies.
If you have sensitive skin, you can develop very distinct scars, known as keloids. These can be formed at any time if you have injured or traumatised skin.
Choosing the tattoo
If you have evaluated the pros and cons and you have contacted a centre that meets all of your expectations and guarantees for your health, it is time to choose the form of the outline or tattoo you want. Try to make a considered decision and to choose a design according to the shape of your face or the way you want it to appear.
You must participate in this decision willingly and not leave it in the hands of the person doing the tattoo. Please note that permanent makeup lasts for a very long time, although it depends on the sensitivity of each person's skin. There are people who can have them two years, and there are others who have reported having them for 10 or even 15 years.
Please do not make a decision that you will later regret.
What you should avoid
If you schedule an appointment for your micro-pigmentation, it should not be very close to your period, as at that time the body is most sensitive and also activity will be more painful than normal. When you have booked your appointment, bring some anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen. Do not consume seafood or strong substances containing caffeine or phosphates such as soda or fizzy drinks.
After the procedure
Ask the specialist about the after care of the area you have had tattooed:
- Many people recommend applying Vaseline.
- Avoid spending long durations in the sun, at least for a month.
- Do not scratch the area.
- Ask how you should clean the affected area – You may be advised to use wet wipes.
- The most important thing is to avoid self-medication or taking pills if there is any swelling – it is best to see a doctor.
- Avoid eating foods high in sodium because this can increase inflammation.
- If you wear contact lenses, try to avoid wearing any make-up around the eyes such as eyeliner for at least 1 week.
- If the tattoo was done on the lips, you should avoid moistening them, as well as not eating hot, greasy, spicy or salty foods.
Can you erase it?
After the tattoo, it is normal for the makeup to look very intense and you may not like it – there may even be some swelling. This should pass a few days. If you still do not like the outcome and want to take it off, you should know that despite advances in laser technology, removing permanent make-up procedures is a laborious process.
You must go through several treatments and usually you can mitigate it, but disappearing completely without scars is usually impossible, so choose wisely before making a decision!
About the author
I can tell for sure that I would never use this type of makeup, it doesn?t look good at all, you see people wearing that and looks so fake, I couldn?t stand being with someone using tattoos instead of a simple mascara, but well, that is a matter of tastes right?
my mother has this permanent makeup but she doesn’t like it anymore and there is nothing she can do to change it, she has to wait until the time passes and the skin changes, so I actually do not recommend it except if you like that style and you will like it for the next,,, mm 10 or 20 years, which is not going to happen right?
So, I know this argument of avoiding infection is a good thought, but I’m not quite sure that I agree that permanent make up is a good solution. I feel like injecting chemicals and inks to the epidermis would be pretty intoxicating as well, and I think I would rather opt to either not wear any make-up, or when I do, use only organic, natural products.
I had no idea that this was even an option these days! I can see that there must be many benefits for women who love wearing make-up but do not have the time to spend each day on achieving the perfect look (although they could just wake up a little earlier!). However, as someone who rarely wears make-up, I prefer not to inject or otherwise insert unknown chemicals into my body as there would be no way to tell if you were allergic until the damage was already done!