Published: 10/09/2005 - Updated: 11/15/2018
Author: Miriam Reyes2 Comments
Acne is a disease of the sebaceous hair follicle, which is the set of hair and sebaceous glands. The latter produce a fat known as tallow. Follicles are numerous on the face, neck, chest, back and shoulders, which is why acne is more common in these sites. Normally, the sebum travels up the skin along the hair root and trunk. When the sebum cannot escape and is trapped in the follicle, forms the so-called pimples, classic acne lesions.
Acne causes
There are four basic causes for acne:
- Hormones: The production of androgens (a group of hormones that can sexual changes at puberty) stimulates hair follicles, causing the hair to grow and the oil glands to become larger.
- Increased sebum production: Consequence of hormonal stimulation, the oil glands produce large quantities of sebum. This leads to congestion within the follicle and the subsequent trapping of sebum.
- Formation of "caps": Changes in the follicle that cause new cells to replace others. The latter accumulates in the output of the follicle also causing trapping of sebum.
- Bacteria: Basically, one called propionilbacterium acne, that lives normally on the skin, invades the trapped sebum, reproducing and causing inflammation.
We can distinguish several stages in the development of acne. At first the follicle is healthy and will only look at the pore, hair and sebaceous glands. In a second stage, the sebum and bacteria inflame the follicle and outside is a "white" characteristic. In the third, when opened, the pimple forms a "black spot", while the bacteria grow. Finally, the pimple becomes a pustule. And if the walls are breaking the infection attacks the tissue closest.
Here, there is no sure way to break the annoying pimples. Dermatologists are listed firm on the matter: the quiet hands! Squeezing a simple pimple makes more soil surface and increase the risk of later marks. The most frequent juvenile acne is just the result of the action of certain hormones, to the pilo-sebaceous follicle or pore, initiate or increase their production because of the onset of puberty and are accompanied by the development of sexual characters own individual. At this stage there is an increase in hormone production that, contrary to what many still believe, occurs independently without any direct relation to dietary habits or the production of sebum. The result is an oily skin and shiny, in some cases, obstruction of the duct, resulting in the emergence of the classical pimples, nodules and cysts (inflamed pimples).
Bacteria can also create the pimple placed under the skin, so that it is removing this causative agent of infection of the pore. The daily cleaning of the skin with water and soap removes dirt and the remains of dead skin that clog the pores, but this does not prevent the appearance of acne.
In women, a type of acne very related premenstrual period is also a common. Catamenial acne is called, is characterized because it appears some ten days prior to menstruation occurs and makes it around the mouth, the chin area. The increased hormonal secretion of these days is the trigger and, therefore, the rule ceases when the hormones return to normal, also disappearing lesions.
Natural remedies for acne
There is evidence that the tendency to have acne is inherited. Although it cannot be prevented, proper hygiene can help reduce the effects. Following these tips can reduce the effects of acne:
- Small sun exposure improves acne. However, excessive exposure to sunlight or ultraviolet rays is not recommended because it increases the risk of skin cancer.
- Clean the skin gently but thoroughly with soap and water, removing any dirt or makeup. Use a clean cloth every day to prevent infection.
- Steam or hot wet towels to open clogged pores.
- Wash the hair with shampoo at least twice a week . Use antidandruff shampoo if necessary.
- Comb the hair back to keep your face clear.
- Use local astringent to remove excess fat.
- Do not scratch, rub or touch the lesions. These actions can increase the damage of the skin.
- Wash hands before and after caring for injuries to reduce the risk of infection.
- Do not support face on the hands . This can irritate the skin.
- Identify and avoid anything that aggravates acne. This care includes food, lotions, makeup, etc … Avoid fatty or cosmetic creams, which can aggravate acne.
Using soap restores the proper balance of skin lipids, which helps to regulate sebum production and reduces glare caused by excess. As a general rule, skin must be cleaned twice daily with a suitable medicinal soap.
As for the soaps to use, it must be remembered that antibacterials are not very effective and that the dry abrasive can also irritate the skin.
There are also other possibilities very natural and desirable to treat infections of the skin. One is the use of an ancient plant known by scientists, Aloe, whose leaves are used for some time to heal deep wounds and is currently used in cosmetics in small doses. Cucumber also helps fight acne for their cleansing, antiseptic and bactericidal. In addition, it regularizes the secretions of the glands of fat skin, removing impurities from the skin, while clarifying the skin.
Acne often improves in summer, by exposure to sunlight, high temperatures that dilate the pore and the trend to eat lighter and richer in vitamins and minerals, such as fresh fruit and vegetables season.
Watch your food. For your health, not just for acne.
One factor to consider is the quality and quantity of food we eat. Products low in fat (especially saturated), vegetables and fruit are beneficial to the entire body, reducing the level of lipids in the blood that are the producers of tallow can be seen in acne.
- Cao, H., Yang, G., Wang, Y., Liu, J. P., Smith, C. A., Luo, H., & Liu, Y. (2015). Complementary therapies for acne vulgaris. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 1, CD009436.
- Dall’oglio, F., Tedeschi, A., Fabbrocini, G., Veraldi, S., Picardo, M., & Micali, G. (2015). Cosmetics for acne: indications and recommendations for an evidence-based approach. Giornale Italiano Di Dermatologia e Venereologia : Organo Ufficiale, Societa Italiana Di Dermatologia e Sifilografia, 150(1), 1–11.
- Gieler, U., Gieler, T., & Kupfer, J. P. (2015). Acne and quality of life – impact and management. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV, 29 Suppl 4, 12–14.
About the author
This is so true, many adolescents complain about their acne but they do not investigate and find a solution, it is clear and you do not need pills or anything like that to stop it but to mature and understand that this is a calling of your body because it is lacking something and you need to help it
When I was a teenager I started to get acne really bad. It ran in my family, my mom had had it, my brother had it, and then I got it. My mom took me to the dermatologist, and he prescribed me a lot of nasty thinks: an oral antibiotic, a cream to dry my skin out, and then another cream to re-moisturize it. It made no sense! And it actually made my face WORSE! for years! so finally I stopped using those products, and just decided to use water on my face – nothing more – and within a few months my acne actually went away!