Published: 10/22/2012 - Updated: 07/26/2017
Author: Miriam Reyes
When I think in hot springs, the moment in a spa and relaxation come to my mind. Hot springs can do more than help us to avoid stress.
Why can't we spend a good time, while we relax and also we do a favor to our health? If you have the opportunity to enjoy hot springs, it may be a good idea to take it.
Types of thermal waters:
There are two types of thermal waters according to their geological origin:
Magmatic: Are born from metal or eruptive veins, and usually have temperatures above 50 ° C. The most commonly elements found in them are arsenic, boron, bromine, copper, phosphorus and nitrogen.
Telluric: can be generated anywhere, its temperature rarely reaches 50 ° C and, because they are filtered, they have fewer mineralization than magmatic. They usually have bicarbonates, chlorides and lime salts.
An important feature is that the hot springs are charged with negative ions. However, this does not mean they have negative effects on our body, in fact, positive ions are the ones that don't bring benefits to the human body, as they are irritating, while the negative ions have the ability to relax the body.
Health Benefits
There are many benefits that hot springs bring to our bodies, however, according to some authors, they can be classified as biological, physical and chemical, but in reality all act together.
Note that the temperature plays an important role, since the body temperature rises, killing germs, including viruses. It helps to improve circulation and oxygenation of the body, as it increases the hydrostatic pressure of the body.
In this way, enhancing oxygenation, thermal water bath also leads to improve the feeding of body tissues in general, therefore, activates metabolism, stimulates the secretion of digestive tract and the liver, favoring our digestion.
In addition, if you use the hot springs, regularly, they can help you to restore the functioning of the endocrine glands, the autonomous nervous system and the body.
There is also an improvement nd stimulation of the immune system, they promote mental relaxation, due to the production of endorphins and regulation of glandular functions. Many of these effects are due to the consumption of the mineral body as carbon dioxide, sulfur, calcium and magnesium.
Take care of your skin
Psoriasis, dermatitis and fungal diseases are those that are most benefited by hot spring baths (especially if they contain sulfur).
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Sometimes they also help in the healing of wounds, and other skin lesions. The curative action is attributed to the sulfobacterias in the hot springs, which help the human body, improving the defense system of the skin against all types of attacks, as well as help to reduce the aging process of the body.
Benefits in chronic diseases
Some research suggests that chronic diseases are benefited with the use of balneotherapy, are rheumatic, metabolic (diabetes, obesity, gout), mild breaths, gynecological, the skin, the functional recovery of neuroparalysis central and peripheral, gastrointestinal problems, and circulation, the aftermath of trauma, stress-related and other psychosomatic problems.
General recommendations for the use of hot springs
1. Pregnant women, elderly and those with any illness should consult their physician before using the hot springs.
2. Never use them if you are under the influence of alcohol or any drug.
3. Avoid swimming alone.
4. Do not overheat and stay well hydrated.
5. If you suffer from skin diseases that are contagious, used private pools.
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